Have too much stuff in my pockets...

Ty Ty

New member
Yup, I have determined that I just carry way too much shite with me around every day. So, I went and bought myself a Jack Bauer bottomless bag of holding, haha. I snagged the CCW holster to go with it, so my carry weapon will be in the bag, along with everything else I bring with my everywhere. I'll probably only keep my knife in my pocket now.


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New member
http://www.scottevest.com/v3_store/Fleece_Jacket.shtml I was thinking of this
anyone ever hear of this company?


I think my father has one of those. He bought it so he could carry an iphone, iPad, gun, knife, spare pair of shoes, change of clothes, macbook air, and a rifle all at the same time.

(kidding obviously, but he does have one)



New member
The coat or duffle bag ? I have my concealed this seems like a good idea for winter anyway
