Home Forclosures. how to find out about?

Ms Runnah

New member
Does anyone know anything about how I would go about finding home forclosures for sale? All the websites I find that list forclosures, they want you to sign up/pay for them. Seems like a scam. Is there a better (Free) way to find forclosed homes???



New member
If they are bank-owned and for sale, they should be in the MLS. Try realtor.com (free)- they have all of the MLS listings.


Ms Runnah

New member
Oh really? I didn't know realtor.com did forclosure listings. I will check it out though. Thanks



New member
I thought you had to go through the bank or a realtor. When I was looking I saw non under Realtor.com. I do not think the realtors make as much of foreclosures, banks make the loot on that...


Ms Runnah

New member
I asked our realtor today (after I posted this). she said that foreclosures are listed in the MLS. Not sure about realtor.com. Anyways, she said she has been looking for forclosure stuff in her normal searches anyways.



New member
Best of luck, there are some good deals to be had, and great interest rates. Lock in, buy, and years from now you will be happy. :glasses9:



New member
Smosh used to be a realtor... now he's an IT Consultant...

I've learned from a guy at work who's looking for a house that trying to buy a house in foreclosure can be difficult... there are certain timelines that have to be followed... he has an offer in but they have to wait for weeks for I guess that person to possibly pay up. Not sure. But there are a TON of houses on the market now.

You guys moving back south?



New member
I've learned from a guy at work who's looking for a house that trying to buy a house in foreclosure can be difficult... there are certain timelines that have to be followed... he has an offer in but they have to wait for weeks for I guess that person to possibly pay up. Not sure. But there are a TON of houses on the market now.
+1 We looked at some bank-owned properties. Banks don't negotiate in real time, so it can take awhile for the committee to approve the sale at the price you want to buy the house for. There also weren't the screamin' deals we thought we'd find. But that was months ago...

Realtor.com just hosts the MLS listings. Nothing special about it.



New member
We've been entertaining the thought of selling our house (at a loss possibly) and buying a bigger house. I need to start poking around to see what's out there. I can probably get into a newer, bigger house for less than what I originally mortgaged my place for.

You guys moving back south?
Nope we've been looking up by Pittsfield. There is a house in Palmyra that we may put an offer on.

Ooooohhhh man. My Family has a camp in St. Albans... ever heard of the palmyra trail system?? is a wicked nice railroad bed for snowmobiles or fourwheelers... or the occasional scooby :headbang: The trail systems there are endless! Beautiful place tho too. we've had the camp now for about 14 years.



New member
Foreclosures are nearly the same price as similar realtor listed non-foreclosure

We've been thinking about a bigger/newer house also, but we don't want to lose our shirt on our sale.

Anyone want to buy my house in Naples? 10 acres, 3 bedroom, 1 bath, split foyer, 2 fireplaces, fenced in back yard, daylight basement/workshop with garage door. FHA, Sparkling clean well water, brandy new septic system, brandy new bathroom, new laminate hardwood floors thru-out. 190k?



Forclosures you are just buying the house from the bank as-is, the only negotiation that you will have is with price. they aren't going to want to loose their shirts on the sale either. they are owed money and they intend to get it.

the best thing you can do is have one inspected as well as possible, make sure that you can pay for the replacement systems if needed (forced hot water systems are rarely drained and winterized in time when the house is foreclosed upon) and make an offer that gets you into a house.

the worst they can do is ignore you.
