HP Predictions on DYNO day? On the Vtec Yo STI


Baxley’s Speed Shop
Well im really pissed :angry4: I ran my car last night at NED and my best time was a 13.2 at 113 because the car would not launch for the life of me it just kept bogging hard when the light turned green. Now keep in mind I was running 12.8 at 109 on stg 2 and launching it the same way and it worked great. 4000-4500rpm's hold to the clutches giving point then release into power. I was running 60ft's of like 2.8 and last time I was 1.699. Is it me or the car?



New member
Are you still on the stock clutch?

I never really mastered launching my sti with bigger turbos but I got 1.8s consistently by revving between 4-6k and trying to slip the clutch a bit on an upswing.

Launch control def works but it's hard on the drivetrain, and I'm pretty sure you'd make quick work of the stock clutch. I think the FFS would be a good bonus though if you only used that aspect.

Also didn't some of the 07s have plastic motor mounts? I do not think they would get along with launch control very well.



Baxley’s Speed Shop
Yea im still on the stock clutch. I think ill give LC a shot.

O and a side note I have perrin headers going in this week and I already changed from stock bcs to a perrin mbc. Im also getting a invidia g200 with cattless downpipe and a APS dr725 fmic tommorow. Along with a bunch of other cool stuff.



I've heard of ppl launching higher horespower STis in 2nd gear?

I think that would make the bogging even worse... nate you are a tard... the car now will need to be tuned again. Dont install that without the money to tune. also you just cant drive, try harder or give me that car Ill run 12.2 bet ya $100



Baxley’s Speed Shop
I just got my hands on a ton of new stuff yesterday. I will be listing everything including stuff I will be selling.



Active member
Sounds good, V.

I saw Pat's G at the "auto show" (what a half-assed show,imo) and the tires looked as if Pat's been very busy testing various ebay components.

I'll be interested to see what ya got that you're selling, I don't think I need anything, but one never knows?

If you want to trade, I have a full-scale, slightly non-working STi tranny that can be used as a boat anchor, paperweight, or Conversation Piece.



Baxley’s Speed Shop
Well I already sold most of the stuff some of it I listed but the good stuff im keeping for now to go in my car. Im getting closser to round 2 at DSG though and that gap to 400whp better be a lot smaller this time around on there dyno.



New member
Sounds like a monster. Hope to see this thing at a meet soon... Great to hear you had some good people helping out.. :thumbsup:



Baxley’s Speed Shop
Well i just called DSG for round 2. It will be on tues the 9th. Hopefully everything will hold together well. I better be a lot closer to 400 this time around.



Active member

Done at Dent, she dyno'd at 351whp/385 TQ w the FP Green and fat meth nozzle.

I'll have the TGVs for ya by the weekend.

