I don't think I'll be alive for much longer...


New member
Is it possible to literally die from shitting your brains out? I guess I'll find out soon enough...




So.... I eat a lot of hot food... but hot food is measured in scoville units...

To put it into perspective... a habenero pepper is between 100,000-350,000 units...

this sauce ranks in at 500,000....

I like hot food, I do a lotta Dave's Insanity sauce and stuff.. chernobyl wings from Binga's and the such...

So we'll see what happens to my curry from this. :eek:ccasion14: :eek:ccasion14:



New member
Hey Geist - nice brass knuckles.
That's just a paperweight man...

(whoops, sorry didn't even realize they got in the shot...)

So anyways... I'm still alive... it wasn't as bad as I planned... but we'll see how the day goes..

The other stuff I have that's rated lower seemed hotter to me... but I think it's deceiving because the other stuff seems to have a higher vinegar content... so there's a flavour to it, where this is just pure heat....
