I feel like he's trying to make me like it.


New member

"and it's a car that speaks directly...(strategic pause)...to the heart...(another quick pause, sounds like Trump, god I already hate this guy)...of every enthusiast in this hall."

"More elegant (read gay), but less dramatic (it's a freakin STi, you better go back and make it look dramatic)"



Evergreen Auto Spa
What Subaru did with the new STI is try to appeal to people that are actually in the market for one, not just people that want one. People spending $35K on a car have shown that they want elegance.



What Subaru did with the new STI is try to appeal to people that are actually in the market for one, not just people that want one. People spending $35K on a car have shown that they want elegance.
I would rather have one EVO RS style: 28k cloth buckets, no sound deadening, no wing, manual winders, manual HVAC, Manual mirrahs, ect. they only thing I would want is cruise control.



New member
^^^ (read) "Now that enthusiasts have made WRXs and STis popular, let's abandon them and go mainstream."



Evergreen Auto Spa
Hounestly Lawdawg, I think you are a bit of an exception. I'm anxious to see how you feel after you've seen and driven the new one. It's suppose to be one hell of a car. The new WRX is a real nice car, even though it's nothing special to look at. Car and Driver calls it a "budget BMW" without gagging.

But I would've rather seen a lightweight 3dr. Plus, the old STI's kick a$$.


STi-zy Wagon

New member
still ugly to me....maybe it'll just take more time. Why does an STi have to be "elegant"? buy a leggy if you want elegance, cause they sure are. The STi should be in your face performance both with looks and feel. i think its a bad move on the design aspect.
