I know it's not NEW news, but what the hell!?


New member
WHY THE HELL did Binga's Wingas on commercial have to burn down!? One of my favorite Super-casual joints to go to!!! :BangHead:

AND, it's right across from the LOVING fire dept? C'monnnn...



it sounded like it started in the ceiling. which would mean that the place was probably junked before anyone even called 911



New member
Friends lived in that building, or next too it. Totalled, but I think they were lucky and only got smoke damage..


Evil Jeff

New member
it sounded like it started in the ceiling. which would mean that the place was probably junked before anyone even called 911
Yep. Fire in the ceiling of a commercial buiding generally means sayonara.

<- Ex-firefighter.



New member
Ahh, that's too bad... I didn't know the story or anything, just drove by the boarded up place...

Still pretty unfortunate, I loved that place! They have another location somewhere in portland I guess? I've never seemed to find it... I'm sure he had adequate insurance.
