It never ends, huh? (Formerly a wheel bearing problem, but maybe still?)


New member

Prior, I had asked about the wheel bearing in my car, and for some solutions to the issue...

Turned out it was simply more of a job than I can handle for the time being, so I put the car back together, and brought it to the dealership to have the bearing put in...

$400 and 4hrs later, the bearing is in, but my ABS light is still on...

I brought the car back immediatley and to my delight, they'll be fixing the sensor that's loose for free next week...

However, I haven't had a chance to drive the car much since I got it back, until tonight (I work 2miles from my house.) when I went to buy some groceries, and found out whenever the car is at full lock, that corner of the car jutters now, almost like the diff is stuck in a way, the car does a little shimmy and makes kind of a clunky rotational noise.... sounds worse in reverse....

What could they have done that would have caused this, or what noise would this be? Becuase it's a brand new noise, that wasn't there the day prior... ? :angry4: :angry4: :angry4:

Thanks for the help in advance!



New member
oh, p.s.

I'm not shitting on the dealership's work, or anything, because they're treating me pretty well so far... but something obviously got messed up in the midst of all this.


Here's a video clip of what it sounds like... might have to turn the speakers up a bit...

Note the "Sway" of the camera comes from the jittering in synch with the sound.... can hear it best right @ the end.



New member
definately the diff locked.

Why I dont know. I had one that I couldn't get to open, then I found the switch in the console to be faulty. Make sure your display is reading what is selected. If you have to, get it out of auto, and roll it to the first postition to reduce the binding til it can be fixed.



New member
that's what I thought it may be as well... but this is an absolutely new sound/problem that I've NEVER had before... can the dealership popping the axle out or letting it hang, etc cause this to happen? I've ruled out mistorqued lugs (re-mounted and torqued,) low diff fluid (it's only one side, not both,) some ppl on IWSTI/NASIOC have claimed to get a "Clicking" from a poor axle nut but the axle nut is brand new...

So all it really even leaves is either:



New member
well, from the video it sounds like the diff. guess we cant---shouldn't diagnose stuff over the internet. Do you think maybe you messed something up during your attempt at doing the wheel bearing? The abs ring is on the back of the knuckle. Because the dealership method of doing wheel bearings doesn't involve letting axles hang of chewing up ABS rings. The axles slide in and out easily. How far along in the job did you get? Did you ever have the axle out of the diff or the knuckle or both?

re-listened to video, still sounds like a centr diff lock to me. Have you ever spilled anything onto the roller switch or messed with the Diff computer? If the center diff is locked the rear will chatter



New member
Sounds like you hit it right on the money, Inksi...

The dealership replaced the ABS sensor and it didn't work.... upon further inspection, they noticed the ABS Ring (i.e. "Tone ring") was cracked... I never made it that far into it all, but they're gonna be replacing that for me asap, and hopefully all will be well!

I agree it does sound like center diff lock, and it only does it on tight corners, so something I came to a conclusion (or rather a hope) of, is that the STi's have the DCCD, maybe when the ABS light comes on, it 'safe-modes' itself to a semi-lock for the best middle ground option of safety? :dontknow: :sleepy1:

Regardless, the situation's under control now, and Patriot's thus far done a really good job at keeping me pleased, which is something I'm not used to from dealerships. :thumbsup:
