

Subaru Ambassador- AdidaSubarus
It won't allow me to do itrader. It says I'm not allowed to access it. I haven't had problems in the past.

It won't allow me to do itrader. It says I'm not allowed to access it. I haven't had problems in the past.
ditto... and I need to hook a brutha up with sum positive feedback.

ya i-trader is shut off i think for right now.i have i-trader to leave for like 6+ people right now but can't

one of 'dem plug-ins that may or may not B haunting the site admins...

I hope they have good luck getting it back...

no.... no such luck. fixing this vesion of v-bulletin is pointless. it will cost us too much money and time. and soon we will be upgrading ourselves to the newest vesions very soon (VB4). and all the plugins dont transfer over anyway.

we are hoping (although it sucks and we are sorry) to run the forums stripped down for a couple more months till we can upgrade...

I doubt it will help but this is how we do the gfaming group I run. I believe this is pretty much free and very well supported. the site running it.

We have only had one really bad issue, it was a security breach tha tllowed us to B hacked. Within three days a patch was out to fill the hole and we only lost about 20 or so hours worth of posts.

I am sure I could get our guru to help U out, our site is a bigtime hobby of his as well as his site for Overclocking and tech support.

The worst thing that could possibly happen is U meet some people who author forums and perhaps deal with some of the same issues.
