LDR on podium at Rallye Perce Neige

Nigel Prodrive

Dirt surfer
Just back from 4-day amazing adventure in deepest darkest Quebec, 500+ miles per day 4 days straight.<br /><br />so forgive me if this is a bit disjointed, my mind is mush.<br /><br />we had big highs and big lows, but persevered and by gorry we made it thru what might be the most demanding event we've done in 10 years of rallyin. OMFG do those Quebec boys know how to haul DONKEY in the ice n snow. slippy slithery icy, heh the quote of the rally comes from driver JoMo...."It was SO slippery, at one point we were going maybe 20 mph down a mountainside at night thinking, "We're gonna DIE!!!!"  OK so we didn't but maybe you get the drift.<br /><br />short version of the tale: we ran hard, we bouncced off snowbanks, went 112 mph down a road thru a cow farm, slid off the road going 15 mph, we sucked, we did great. 15th overall of 42 starters, 2nd in regional rally.<br /><br />more details to come, battle stories pics vids, etc. but for now this will have to do.....<br /><br />big thanks to our crew Tick Boy and Michel, you guys rock! Extra tanks to Iain the crazy Scot who bailed us out once again in the midst of a rally, this time by bringing our dead service truck back to life.<br />\<br />[[[posting pics tomorry, it's no workin from my home Mac for some reason unknown]]]

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Congrats guys. Read the tweet friday night about the truck breaking, Woulda offered some help if i wasnt 500 miles away back here. Glad to hear you got it sorted. Sounds like it was a good time, and quite the challenge. Cant wait for pics.



Great job LDR!!! Great finish!




Looks like Mike stayed warm in my rally suit. Looks like an awesome event!



So glad to hear all this. I admit I don't actively follow rally, but I DO believe it is The best kind of 4 wheel racing. And I am glad to know local racers are doing well. CONGRATULATIONS!
