legacy pops out of 5th gear

Is your shifter linkage really lose? When you're in gear, can you wiggle the shifter side to side a lot?

OR... when you're cruising in 5th gear and get on/off the gas does the shifter dance foreward and backward, and eventually pop out of gear, but it doesn't do this in any other gear.

If that's the case, it might be the nut on the end of the input shaft that holds 5th gear on is backing off... I had that happen on my car.

It's when I'm cruising then let off the gas. No other gear is effected by this. Is it hard to fix or should I get help

In my case I junked the transmission because it had other issues, but I'd first make damn sure it isn't a messed up shifter bushing or trans mount causing the issue. The nut can be tightened by removing the tail section of the transmission.

Previous owner said bushings were new. Could this work be done by an intermediate skilled person or should I bring it in to someone?

First step is to take it to a skilled subaru mechanic to figure out what exactly the issue is. Nobody can diag this for you over the internet, we can give you the common causes of this problem, but from there you've gotta do some research and/or talk to someone who has fixed these before. It isn't a terribly hard repair for someone who knows what they're doing, take it to a hackjob and you'll get a pile of junk back. So yea, never trust someone who isn't a skilled mechanic...

I don't know what intermediately skilled means, but I sure don't want them touching my car!

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