Looking for someone to retrofit my lights with projector


New member
I contacted one of the guys under the vendor section about 2 or 3 weeks ago and never heard back so I figured I'd ask somewhere else. I'm looking to get some projector headlights so I can run HIDs. I saw some work and noticed some people offer to paint the inside of the lamp and would love to get that done as well. Anyone know who to contact for such a project?

I contacted one of the guys under the vendor section about 2 or 3 weeks ago and never heard back so I figured I'd ask somewhere else. I'm looking to get some projector headlights so I can run HIDs. I saw some work and noticed some people offer to paint the inside of the lamp and would love to get that done as well. Anyone know who to contact for such a project?
Chris is not on this group anymore. I can get ahold him if u want to pm me your number and I'll relay the message aka the light guru
He's still on here, just doesn't get on the forum much. I'll send him a message and let him know he has a message on here

I think Chris is more apt to get your message on Facebook.  Look up The Lighting Guru - Chris Apkarian.  He's the guy for the job!

Yeah I'm always happy to help, or at the very least talk to you about options and suggestions.

Contact me here or via facebook if you want.
