Maine Forest Rally


New member
I live close to Rumford and I would love to know about this years event. I Was going to go to the WRC last year at Mt. Blue but one of the kids was sick and convincing the wife to stand in the dirt instead of laying by the pool was bad news.

I'm there every year man.



don't crash!

I live close to Rumford and I would love to know about this years event. I Was going to go to the WRC last year at Mt. Blue but one of the kids was sick and convincing the wife to stand in the dirt instead of laying by the pool was bad news.
The WRC was up to Mt Blue last year? How did I ever miss out on this?

The WRC was up to Mt Blue last year? How did I ever miss out on this?
The only reason I found out was the posters all over my town (dixfield), I had just moved here and was just looking around.

I asked someone I knew about said event and they said that they pretty much show up im Maine every year as far as he knew; I guess there is a spot in NH that is a regular stop as well for them. I just want to go and teach Travis how to really ride a dirtbike...hahaha.

I am still foggy on this event in Rumford.. do they have a site? is anything posted online.. .or how about someone hook a bruthah up and fill me in on the details so I can plan on dragging the family to it...

well you can go to. I think the only site that has been updated since last year is the rally america site.

I believe that the maine forest rally site is still up...

and are you sure it was the WRC????
Not going to bet the farm on that one.. I Can remember reading the posters to a friend of mine on the phone and him saying it was the WRC...That was last summer, I played college sports, crash things and have been hit in the head a lot. It very easily could have been put on by the SCCCA ASPCA or some other orginazation for all I know... Well I am positive it wasnt PITA.

&&& thank U for the links.

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HAHAHAHA... Help me convince the wife to have a BBQ at my place in Dixfield one of the nights this is going on... what a great photo op and chance to support my town by getting pulled over...

If I can pull it off and people care remember one thing...My place needs to B like Vegas...U didn't see and/or remember a thing...probably still B raining...

I heart sweep :-) I had a 30 kilometer tow by sweep a Rally Baie Des Chaluers

...they were awesome though..gave them beer when we got back to service!



Seriously. Jim McClelland would own me a whole trunk-full after my rear LSD shredded itself tugging him out of the trees, heh.
