Mainely subarus exclusive rally-x


Pascifist Patriot
Has there ever been one? Im planning on running my legacy in at least one rally-x this year, but it seems to me like a m.s."exclusive" rally-x on (possibly) one of our members land would make one hell of a day/meet!

Has this thought crossed anyone elses minds?



Pascifist Patriot
That would be sick. If mikes down (seems like hes the kinda guy that would be!) Entry fees (if any) would/could be cheap. As there wouldent really be a facility rental or anything.. And said entry fees could be spent on a bbq/seed for a new lawn/some sort of raffle prize..

Now im no super event organizer, as I can barely organize my dresser; But I think with a lil effort a m.s "exclusive" rally-x could turn into an annual

The biggest thing with something like this is that all participants need to understand that there is 0 insurance. MS is not liable for any injuries or damage to a car as rallyx has been known to break a few things.

Another thing to consider is the cost of cones and having a few fire extinguishers on hand. The big thing to stress doing something like this is safety. Other then that I think it would be an awesome idea, but would much rather do it on a gravel lot then someones lawn.



Active member
I have an idea. The cornfield that I shoot in (Litchfield) has a road going thru/out behind it. Im guessing its roughly 3/4 of a mile long,down to a snowmobile trail.Pretty good road,some small ruts+rocks.Big turnaround area at the end. S curves in the middle. It would be a pretty fun place to run a time trial,maybe have a few guys throughout the course,and one at the turnaround point with some radios. Greasemonkey has played down there,plus been at a real rally. Ill try to get some input from him,on his thoughts about the area.



Active member
Also,it would have to be once things dry up a bit,thanks to the wonderful mud down there. It would be pretty easy for me to get my old FJ to run as a wrecker,in case of any breakdowns/mishaps/mayhem...Id guess a decent driver could get 40-50 mph down thru there,in the open areas.It just sounds a little more interesting than a parking lot or something,esp if someone has a non daily driver they want to "try out"

Rally and rallyx are two different animals in all reality. Yes a good rallyx course gets you to 40 mph but that is with wheel spin and what not. I'm guessing I've hit 35 mph. Also rallyx is a short timed run with many turns and sloloms. Not to mention it is a good way to really test a non daily. Somewhere like Mikes yard we might hit 30 mph if a long straight was put in, but top speed isn't the point.

In order to keep the safety aspect of it and keep people driving within their abilities with very little risk I think it should stick to a rallyx course.



New member
msg urabusturbo hes got some big fields. my yard is too small
I would be down with having some people bomb around the farm sometime. I accept no responsibility for people breaking their cars or themselves.... I have several jumps, rocks, and a major water hazard so I think a normal flat field elsewhere would be better for more sensible shennanigans. I bomb around out back but usually it is in vehicles that are already in very rough shape.




(the truck in the last pic was not me btw)

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Looks like there is plenty of room to put a decent course in actually. Just avoid the rocks and water. Be spread a bit but would work.



Active member
Cones are no problem for me to get,I just need them back at the end of the day,I might be able to get some beat up ones that can be left behind though



why don't you guys just go to one of the NER SCCA events? I suspect with enough planning and some talking to certain people/members here it would be doable and possibly member priced.



New member
that pic with truck on side, I cant tell but lloks like burger and dog buns spilled out every where.. There probably some pissed off BBQ ppl after that!


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