Maine's New Exhaust Law? Effective July 12, 2010?


New member
Did anyone hear or read about this? I just saw it posted by FLOWMASTER on facebook. Is this for real? The Law States:

Effective July 12, 2010 the State of Maine changes the law governing the amount of noise a motor vehicle can produce. The change makes it illegal to have an exhaust system that produces more noise than emitted by the exhaust system originally installed on the vehicle when built.

For purposes of the change in law, excessive or unusual noise includes motor noise emitted by a motor vehicle that is noticeably louder than similar vehicles in the environment.

Thoughts? Comments? Is this the real deal?



^^ WHAT HE SAID!!! If we can't have loud cars no way in hell should bikes be allowed to do it!



What annoys me as much as not being allowed to have a loud exhaust is that the state could be spending this time and money on something much more useful and worth while.



New member
i got pulled over in kennebunk port and that's exactly what i said "what about all those stupid motorcycles?" then the cop basically said that he had a reason to pull me over, so he did just to make sure i wasnt high. then told me to pay my parking tickets and left

but seriously this is messed up. first they try and take away our guns, then they take away our exhaust systems? before you know their gunna load us on to trains and send us to death camps



New member
^^ WHAT HE SAID!!! If we can't have loud cars no way in hell should bikes be allowed to do it!
Never mind all of the damn trucks with the friggen stacks coming out of the beds!!!

You have no idea how much maine and their exhaust laws drive me nuts. I dont even necessarily want a loud exhaust, i just want the performance...



i got pulled over in kennebunk port and that's exactly what i said "what about all those stupid motorcycles?" then the cop basically said that he had a reason to pull me over, so he did just to make sure i wasnt high. then told me to pay my parking tickets and left

but seriously this is messed up. first they try and take away our guns, then they take away our exhaust systems? before you know their gunna load us on to trains and send us to death camps
This has absolutely 0.00% to do with guns.

and has anybody actually found legislation that states this?



New member
what about all those damn loud pipe motorcycles??.
^^ WHAT HE SAID!!! If we can't have loud cars no way in hell should bikes be allowed to do it!
i got pulled over in kennebunk port and that's exactly what i said "what about all those stupid motorcycles?" then the cop basically said that he had a reason to pull me over, so he did just to make sure i wasnt high. then told me to pay my parking tickets and left

but seriously this is messed up. first they try and take away our guns, then they take away our exhaust systems? before you know their gunna load us on to trains and send us to death camps
This new law goes for motorcycles also.... i just got my new inspected "do as we say" book and basically i cant inspected any bikes unless it has the OEM exhaust on it.

I always failed the bikes with striaght pipes but now even those who just want to increase performance (like us) have to fail to.



I'm a hack
Well, were boned now.

it all comes down to if the LEO's will enforce it. Dont be a d*** and you might be ok.

as far as the motorcycle exhaust goes, that's pretty sucky. Ive got a M4 carbon pipe on my 636, and its not loud at all, but to not be able to get a sticker with it is going to be annoying.



New member
What we SHOULD do is get this law repealed. If they can do it with gay marriage, we can sure as hell do with with exhausts.


Nigel Prodrive

Dirt surfer
be interesting to see how this all shakes out. somebody sure flew this stinker law in under the car enthusiasts' radar.

heh, I made an appt to get my RS inspected tomorrow so I won't have to deal with this silliness for at least a year.

look on the bright side...all those unwanted stock exhaust bits you got laying around just became a lot more valuable!



Baxley’s Speed Shop
Makes me kinda happy that I like my stock exhaust now. Someone should try to start a repeal for this though. It was probally some community in yarmouth with there noses in the air that had some influence with the government and snuck it in there.



From SEMA:

Maine Exhaust Noise: On the heels of similar laws enacted in California and Washington State, a version of SEMA-model legislation to create an enforceable motor vehicle exhaust noise standard was signed into law in Maine. Under its previous law, Maine deemed illegal all modifications that increased noise levels above that emitted by the vehicle’s original muffler. Under the SEMA model, an exhaust system modification is legal if it results in a sound level of 95-decibels or less as measured by the Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE) test standard J1169.
