mmm...underbody protection

Ty Ty

New member
Brown Santa left me a present.


Two sheets of 24"x48" UHMD Poly. Rigid and strong, perfect for a little additional underbody protection. Suspension guards, yadda yadda yadda. I'll get some pictures up of the underside of the car if I finish tomorrow. It'll be purdy.


Ty Ty

New member


I may trim the pass. rear a bit as it's rather snug against the back of the exhaust resonator, but I've been hanging out under the car since noon, I'll trim it tomorrow.



coolio. Are they secured to the arm thingies? You know, the parts that secure the wheels to the body but still let it travel with the suspension


Ty Ty

New member
Yup, attached snuggly to the body (or whatever was available) in front of the control arms, and then loosely to the arms themselves to still allow the full range of motion on the suspension. The front guards are also trimmed to allow full lock to lock steering (I only ever use a 1/4 - 1/2 turn of the steering wheel in either direction anyway...).


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