My life is a country song....

Mr Mike

New member
LOL no really....

My girlfriend left me, I wrecked my car, my fish died and now..... Gran tourismo 4 is broken!!!!! a guy just cant win.....

So... i give up... but if any of you know any good looking girls between 25 and 35 let me know.. lol




Girls are the Devil, stay far away from them.

Beer is better.


Evil Jeff

New member
Wanna trade lives, Mike?

My wife was been having an affair for 5mos (we've been together 8yrs), and left me and our girls for the guy. And, I may have to sell the SVX just to make ends meet.

I wish my life was just a country song. It's a friggin' Springer episode.



whoa. That sucks. But hey, you've got the kids, and you've got time in your life to get things turned around and lookin positive again eventually. My brother had the same thing happen. Its been awhile since he's felt good but he's finally coming around to noticing girls again ;D, and after 9 months of court crap he's able to have his kids half the week.

Don't sell the SVX (unless you really have to), rent it out to us! ;D

Don't forget, Beer is better than women. 8)


Evil Jeff

New member
It's been almost 2mos now since she left, and I'm still having a really hard time with it. The hardest part is that it seems like she goes back and forth on a weekly basis between wanting to try to work things out and not wanting to. And I love her, so everytime she starts acting like she wants to work things out, I fall for it, and just getting hurt again. And having all the responsibilities I have now and having to spend every night alone really doesn't help either.

I have been trying to move on, though. I've already tried to hook up with 2 women, but I've had no luck as of yet.:
One is an absolute sweetheart I used to work with in Portland, who is the only woman during the 8yrs with my wife that I thought about having a relationship with, if I was ever single again. The other I met last weekend at the laundymatte, and who has a rather...bouncy...chest.

As for the beer, while yes it is quite enjoyable, I refuse to allow myself to drink right now. It's hard enough as is to maintain my self-control and composure, and not do anything stupid.



Ahhhh yes, plenty of fish at the laundry mat. ;D Hang in there . You're better off with out the cheatin *&%$###**@
Even if you did get back together forever again your gutt wouldn't be the same. You'd always have a weird, untrusting, feeling about her because of the 5months of cheating.

I'm not helpin am I. Invite your old friend over for pizza and rent a couple movies. You'll have someone (adult) to chat with and she wont feel all that uncomfortable because the kids will be there to lighten the atmosphere. No monkey business, just shoot the shit. You will feel human again afterwards. 8)


Evil Jeff

New member
Your avitar is EVIL!

And kind of gross ;D
But I like it cause honestly, it's how I feel right now. I really have little doubt in my mind that if it was not for my girls, I would have done something extrememly bloody by now.

I actually just got off the phone with her, and I played the last card in my hand, the girls. I told her that if she didn't leave him immediately, and start seeing a couselor immediately, that she could consider herself out of my girls lifes for good. And trust me, I have plenty of firepower to back it up. But, to let you know how I came to this decision, I'll give you the summary of events of the last few days.

Sunday the 24th was my birthday, and even though I knew I wasn't going to see her all weekend, and that she was going to spend it with "him", it didn't take that desire away. I came home Friday to find her gone, WITHOUT their car seats, and this isn't the first time she has done this. But she came and left without even saying Happy Birthday to me, or anything else for that matter.

So sat. comes, and I spend all day, and I mean all day cleaning the house, so I wouldn't have to do it one my birthday. I had planned to go out for the night to celebrate, and try to get my mind off everything. But, they ended up having to cancel, and I didn't feel like going out alone, so I decided to just go get a movie. On the way back, guess who I should happen to pull up next to at a stop light? My wife, and "him", and he's driving the car I cought her for her birthday no less. I screamed at them for a min, the took off.

And basically, I have been crying my eyes out in bed ever since. Some way to spend your birthday, huh? But, I just couldn't bring myself to do anything else.

So Mon. morn comes, and she shows up to watch the girls, and I leave for work. I tried to keep my composure at work, but whenever no one was around, I was crying on my desk. Then I come home, and I couldn't control myself anymore. She was gone with the girls, with no car seats again. The house I had spent all day Sat. cleaning was annihilated, she had slept in my bed while I was gone, used my shower, used my toothbrush, and ate my food that she hadn't payed for. And honestly, this is how it's been for the last 2 months, her taking advantage of me. And I let her, because I hoped we could work things out. But after this weekend, and after she put my daughters lifes at risk again, I couldn't take it anymore. When she came back, I told her the next time she left with the girls without their seats, she could be expecting the police waiting for her when she returned. And I also thanked her for giving me such a great birthday.

But everything she had done to me just ate away at me tonite, and I more or less had a breakdown. I called my moms-in-law, and she came over to find me crying hystericlly on the back deck, and the disaster in my house. I just couldn't take it anymore, any of it. She had enough herself, and called my wife at work and told her it was time to stop the bullshit and growup, regardless of whether she wanted to work things out with me or not. And that's when I took the phone, and made the ultimatum. I don't know if it was the right tihing to do or not, but I do think it's whats best for me, and probably my girls, and my moms-in-law supported it. She said she was going to come over and talk to me tomorrow, so we'll see what happens.

I hate to say it, I love my daughters, I love those that love me back, I love my job, and there's a lot of other things I love in my life right now and that I should be happy for, but I really just hate my life right now.



Maybe she'll be better as a good buddy than a wife. Maybe you'll both hear what bugs the shit out of the other. Maybe you'll both go separate ways. Maybe you'll both restart your relationship. Maybe you'll meet another woman with no teeth, big ears, and a flat head.

How old are your kids? Are they dealing with it?


Mr Mike

New member
OMFG!! look what I have started!!! my kids are 1 year and 4. Things are getting better for by the day.... she is having a grand ol' time it seems this summer, I really hope she dosnt seriously mess up her life. As far as I go.......

Life is good for me now, I am enjoying my time alone and focusing my energy on my kids and my painting. I have a job lined up to paint some ones Corvette, its a 78 or something like that and should pay well I hope. I really want to get good, and seriously want to do some custom paint jobs.

As far as the ladys go..... well I'm back to my old tricks LOL <evil grin>

Single, willing and able!!!!!!

Life is good guys.... for all of you with the same issuse as me..... screw em!!!! pick your self up, brush your self off and get on the gas!!!! you'll feel better.

