my new plates.


Just got these for the g35...



Nigel Prodrive

Dirt surfer
saw an Evo MR the other day with DRIFTME plates, which was kinda cool since the car was sideways on a snowy back road at the time and I was close enough behind to read the plates...

back on topic-- Pat how in heck did you get handicapped plates? (on second thought, mebbe we don' wanna know?)



saw an Evo MR the other day with DRIFTME plates, which was kinda cool since the car was sideways on a snowy back road at the time and I was close enough behind to read the plates...
back on topic-- Pat how in heck did you get handicapped plates? (on second thought, mebbe we don' wanna know?)
I was told a few years back I could get them and held out on it... I didn't really want to have them but I am in a lot of pain and it is hard for me most of the time to walk far.

I have two fractures on my L5 and a blown disk leaving my L5 sitting on top of my S1 crushing my nerves on both left and right sides. I am perminently disabled from that and can't work and I am very limited in what I do... I push myself above and beyond so I can stay "in shape" and not sit in bed all day. I did it over 3 years ago but after my car accident last winter I have been in even more pain. So I had to get the plates/tags to get by.

The thing that sucks is a lot of people have come up to me and told me I can't park in a handicap spot... Nothing pisses me off more then that! I hear it about 10x a day! (it's like come on i have the plates on my damn car and obv this is my car.)


Nigel Prodrive

Dirt surfer
ouch, sad to say I din't know about any of that.

as for the 'you cant park here' thing, i guess ppl assume that handicapped persons are all bluehairs in big vans with wheelchair lifts. you are living proof that they are mistaken.

...but with a mad back like you have, how's about adding MORE suspension travel to your car instead of less? not that you should drive a Buick but hooning around a slammed G like you wonder you're sore.



ouch, sad to say I din't know about any of that.
as for the 'you cant park here' thing, i guess ppl assume that handicapped persons are all bluehairs in big vans with wheelchair lifts. you are living proof that they are mistaken.

...but with a mad back like you have, how's about adding MORE suspension travel to your car instead of less? not that you should drive a Buick but hooning around a slammed G like you wonder you're sore.
haha my seat is actually pretty comfy as is the ride. Just ask STI NATE he thought it rode like a caddy... My seat is slightly modded (removed a part of the frame) it allows the seat to rock back and forth (kinda like a rocking chair) but still allows it to be firm enough and safe. My friend removed part of the seat bracket for this.

I am not gonna give up the things I like because of my back. I am just gonna make them work for me. I am trying to get surgery on it but the surgery I want to have is newish and complicated, trying to find a doctor to get me in for a visit and getting my insurance to allow me to go is not easy. I am hoping to get it fixed before the end of this year... but that's what I said 3 years ago.

This is why I can't go on the track or do auto x or even the driving schools... I try to have fun driving but I have to make sure the conditions are good for it and I can't do anything to f up my back anymore.

I gave up bodybuilding, skiing, working, going for a run, just about everything a normal 20 something would do... kinda sucks but **** happens.

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New member
sweet plate, i wish i could "give up working"
that sucks though, i didnt know that about ya. had a shirt that has a handycap sign on it and it says im in it for the parking.



hold out on the surgery pat because know with obama care everythign is free!! lol
I did it at work... comp pays for it. Obama care is gonna help someone like me with a condition like this. My insurance is soooo expensive right now... If I have future issues with my back (aka my l4 disk ****ting the bed from the surgery) it will help cover it. Back surgery isn't cheap!

Wish I could work. I hate sitting around!
