NEFR 2010


New member
Just two months away, all. I'm heading up to work with my friend Eric again, and I wanted to see if anyone else was interested. It would be great if we could put together a stage crew comprised of Mainely peeps.

Also, if you're going up to spectate, you'll get a much closer view of the action if you volunteer at the event. Signed waiver = ability to get mad close to the action.

Here's the link to the volunteer form:

If you want to work on our stage, select "stage crew" on the appropriate days, and in the "notes" section, tell 'em you want to work with Jim O'Brien. That'll consolidate everyone on one team, and we'll proceed to show the other folks what we can do

Post up here if you're thinking of going, and as the date approaches we can figure out transportation/carpooling/caravans.



This is super super super awesome guys and everyone should be a part of this.

Jimbo, I might be working under you, I might be working for a team, I am not sure yet but will figure out and let you know soon.

These events can't happen without workers, especially competent ones (which I know most of the people on here are)! Volunteering to be a worker is only a little bit extra of a time commitment. Being a spectator marshal or a stage marshal puts you RIGHT THERE for the action. A little bit of your time allows you to be a part of the rally community. Last weekend at Team O, there were a bunch of cars I was pumped to see. Wanna meet the driver? Hell of a lot easier to do it when you're a worker. RezPunk has some pretty sweet stories of hanging with the "big name" guys.

Don't have the time to commit to work but still interested? SPECTATE! Make a trip up for Sunday River / CONCORD POND on Friday AND/OR Middle Dam on Saturday. Both events are awesome. My sister and myself have pretty much grown up at the oval track, and let me tell you bub, rally is in a whole different world. Even the drive up is a blast. Carpool with some folks from Mainely and you're guaranteed a good time, lower travel costs, and company on the way. I hope to hear of a HUGE Mainely turnout (even some of you show car guys

The rally community is absolutely wonderful, it is difficult to put into words how great this whole sport really is.

And now I'll leave you with some pictures my sis took from last year:





Rest of the gallery here.

This is what you can expect, plus some of our very own members racin' right in-front of you.




New member
I don't think I'm volunteering, but I will be watching! I can hand tools, tighten bolts, I'm not car retarded (I can change my own battery
), and I make a damn good grilled cheese, but other then that, I don't really know how much help I'd be.

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New member
I don't think I'm volunteering, but I will be watching! I can hand tools, tighten bolts, I'm not car retarded (I can change my own battery
), and I make a damn good grilled cheese, but other then that, I don't really know how much help I'd be.
Unless you're involved with one of the teams racing (and you'd know if you were by now), this isn't that sort of working. This is actually RUNNING the stages so that the racers can race. This means standing at the starting line of a stage with a clock and telling teams when to launch. This is sitting next to the finish line of a stage with a radio and telling your crew-mates down the road a piece when the car crossed the finish line. This is standing next to the cars as they pull up to you, the codriver handing you their time sheet, you writing on it, and handing it back to the codriver.

This stuff needs no mechanical ability (or interest, even.) All you need is some free time that weekend, and the desire to participate in a sport you're interested in.



I will be there with the fiancee as usual......I can't work it as usual...I really wish I could help clear the spectator spots and things of that nature....I just don't think I could make it.



New member
I will be there with the fiancee as usual......I can't work it as usual...I really wish I could help clear the spectator spots and things of that nature....I just don't think I could make it.
Hmm, they could use you and your fiancee to block off a road that joins the stage. Think about it: you, your fiancee, a pic-a-nic lunch, and rally. Romance and Motorsports
Plus, you'd have your car with you in case the bugs got too bad and you needed shelter.



Hmm, they could use you and your fiancee to block off a road that joins the stage. Think about it: you, your fiancee, a pic-a-nic lunch, and rally. Romance and Motorsports
Plus, you'd have your car with you in case the bugs got too bad and you needed shelter.
dude super idea!!
I'll run it past her! when we first got engaged we thought it would be great to get married at the rally. it's our only vacation every year



Hmm, they could use you and your fiancee to block off a road that joins the stage. Think about it: you, your fiancee, a pic-a-nic lunch, and rally. Romance and Motorsports
Plus, you'd have your car with you in case the bugs got too bad and you needed shelter.
Spectator marshaling is really easy. Show up, block a road, put up spectator tape, make sure spectators aren't running in front of cars. That's it. It's super easy.

Concord Pond has a TON of driveways and camps and stuff. They need workers to man a lot of them.



N/A All The Way!!
This is one of my favorite events of the entire year, but I'm not going volunteer yet. Like the TON Rally, I don't want to commit to something I won't be able to follow through with 100%. I heard that last year there was a pretty sweet benefits package that the volunteers got too though for those who are working!



New member
dude super idea!!
I'll run it past her! when we first got engaged we thought it would be great to get married at the rally. it's our only vacation every year
I'm a notary. I can marry you up there. No joke.



that would rock!!! but we have already made different plans
but really I would like to volunteer I mean we have been going since '04 and still have yet to give anything back.



New member
i will be there. the first time in my life i will be competing. i have spectated for many years, been a service crew member for the last 4 years, and this year I will be in right seat of Car 689.



New member
i will be there. the first time in my life i will be competing. i have spectated for many years, been a service crew member for the last 4 years, and this year I will be in right seat of Car 689.
I wish I could "like" this post. Oh, and btw - good to meet you last weekend. I'm the tubby dude with the goatee that was hanging out too long in the hot tub.


Ty Ty

New member
I wish I could "like" this post. Oh, and btw - good to meet you last weekend. I'm the tubby dude with the goatee that was hanging out too long in the hot tub.
This just brings up a terrifying mental picture...
