New Decals! Updated Info! Ready to Ship!


The Asian Persuasion

I would buy a couple of pink one if possible other wise white will do for me



YouTube Moderator
I would like a couple white ones for my car. I have one of the older blue and silver ones but it doesn't show very good.



DRiVe SiDeWayZ
can you update original post with available colors and final product? or is that too much to ask :p

I sent Carter a bunch this week to be weeded . He should be seeing them soon . Sorry for the delay.

I just fired my tech a few weeks ago and have been doing double time in the shop . Plus we teamed up with AJW and moved my Powder coating guy to his own unit. As Chad can tell ya ... I do a lot of hours a week and try my best to keep everything flowing. But I have to put cars before stickers.

Hopefully the team up with AJW will start to free up some time and they will be taking care of my customer service since I will be in the shop more.



YouTube Moderator
Looks right to me
