Oh noes, who got their cgm '06-07 sti crunched?


New member
Not an april fools joke, saw a '06-07 CGM STI (appeared to be wingless?) on a flatbed being towed towards biddo from alfred area that got sandwiched pretty damn hard it looked like... rear end = crunched, front end = crunched...

I think the tail lights were tinted too...

Hope the hell not for the owners sake, becuase that could possibly let the person who hit them from behind off since that's illegal, couldn't it? ???

Hope whoever it was is ok, looked like it most likely wasn't their fault, judging by the damage.

Wasn't Don, was it? He had a wing last I checked, though...

If it was someone on here, wanna sell anything remaining on the car? >



New member
you have an STI!! let the rest of us who need a turbo engine get a crack at it first! hahahahah

yeah that always sucks
I was thinking more like rims, maybe calipers, and interior stuff.
