Oxford Casino

Did you vote yes or no for the casino?

  • NO

    Votes: 6 40.0%

    Votes: 9 60.0%

  • Total voters


Active member
One of the "owners" is from NH, the casino corp. is west coast...

Casinos phuck every single area they land in.

Oxford is BFE, but at least it WAS unspoiled BFE before this BS.



New member
I voted yes. The fear of increased crime is unfounded. The casino resort will add at least 1000 new jobs. Plus I like to play blackjack. I haven't been able to play since I moved back from Louisana.



Well-known member
eh...i voted yes but i honestly dont care either way...if it brings more tourists this way great, more cars for me to fix when they break down....and a casino meet would be cool....



New member
Its going to be the best stimulus for Oxford in a long time. I only wish the other casinos proposed in the past had passed. Those came with better more specific Maine benefitting packages.

Imagine.. Hundreds employed, Thousands selling their goods and services to support this new business. Growth and prosperity will finally spread from Cumberland and York counties. I am so glad it passed.



Sure it brings people in... But the stores in the casino, the stores people who just won the big bucks go to, aren't Maine stores. They come from the same state as the Casino. It's some company in CT or something.



I don't want a casino, but I do wish it was (will be) run by the Native American Mainers. If we are going to have one, let's keep as much money in state as possible.



New member
There are promised benefits, but in the end, there won't be any discernible good come from a casino.

Theft, alcohol-related crimes and drug problems, yes.

Benefits, absolutely not.

In fact, you cannot find an objective study that shows casinos benefit anybody but the rich people that own them.

I voted No.

I voted no also because of this reason. It will do nothing but bad. More traffic for us plus like you said drugs, theft, and all the BS. I travel a lot for work and sometime come across a casino. If you look at all the casino's the town or city that is around it is just crap (to say the least)
