Pastrana Leaves Subaru

Nigel Prodrive

Dirt surfer
It's official, bye bye Travis....

OK, so he's out of the US rally scene after winning everything in sight. I mean he's done all that anybody could ask for, really.

Now what?? WRC?? Grand Am?? Le Mans??

umm, no. significant rumours abounding that Travis will land in.....NASCAR

really. looks like a trial season for "select events" with Michael Waltrip Racing in nascrap Nationwide series.

Heh, just imagine them good ole boys punting Travis all over the ovals, "Ah wonder if'n he kin do a double back flip outa THIS!!" DOOSH SMACK SMOOSH, they're swappin paint!!

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It will be an interesting year.....

Mabey Laggerman can get back in a SRTUSA seat.



New member
My first thought was Bill Bacon, but Ramana would be a good choice also.

im not giving up hope for the phone to ring for me...but i dont think its going to happen.



<1.8 liter
I could see nascar for pastrana.

he has got more injuries than richard petty.. come the age of mid 30s, nascar and a routine seems a good plan.

I bet he thinks its childs play.



New member
I guess from a franchise standpoint it makes sense, but you know no rally fans will let him live that down if it comes to fruition. Rally is the polar opposite of nascar in the motorsports world, and there is an ingrained hate towards it. Would make for a very interesting year for sure.



New member
no joke he is going to NASCAR. not surprising really. the mindset of an adventure sports athlete is "well that was fun, whats next."



I still don't think I can bring myself to watch nascar. I'm not too surprised he did skip some events this year. Should be interesting to see who gets a ride with srtusa though.



This is unfortunate, but I am not surprised. If he does even remotely well he can make enough to retire completely and just have fun for the rest of his days.

Like NASCAR or not, this stuff is his job and you would jump ship to make more money as well.



New member
yeah i dont think any of us would pass up the chance try it.

sure it may look boring on the outside on tv or something. but going wheel to wheel 2 inches from a wall and 2 inches from the car beside you at 180mph... imagine its pretty intense. the ability to hold concentration for 4 hours nonstop in a race takes a lot of a driver mentally and physically.

i was thinking about finding some broke DONKEY impreza and making it a wacky wednesday car up here at Speedway 95. lol


02 WRX Chris

Yall know that he had been driving in Nascar for the past two years I believe. I watch Nascar almost every week and I don't find this a surprise at all.


Nigel Prodrive

Dirt surfer
Travis = Money Magnet

actually I'm surprised he stuck it out in US rally (land of No $$$ for Rallye DroivAs) as long as he did

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New member
he isn't dumb for doing this NASCAR is huge and as much as it bores the POOP out of me a lot of people will watch and he will make a lot of money



Those decals are fun-neh!

He's so crazy, I wouldn't be surprised if he does some wacky take off of Ken Block's gymkhana media-stunts. That's be awesome.
