Proof of my mechanical any was nessecary

Evil Jeff

New member
Since the start of this cold snap, my belt has started squeeling, and I'm getting tired of it. Back in the old days, I'd just tighten the belt up a bit, but that was also the days when I thought I knew it all, when in actuality I knew squat, and when I didn't five a f*** whether I killed my cars or not.

So, what do I do to make it stop?



New member
There is a long bolt that holds down one side of the alternator, by lossening or tightening that bolt, you move the alternator up or down, which controls the tension on the belt. I just encountered this same problem this morning when I started my RS in 5 degree weather


Evil Jeff

New member
There is a long bolt that holds down one side of the alternator, by lossening or tightening that bolt, you move the alternator up or down, which controls the tension on the belt. I just encountered this same problem this morning when I started my RS in 5 degree weather
Right, I get that part, I'm just trying to figure out if I should tighten it or not, like if my car will take a dump if I do it to much or something.



New member
part of the squaling in super cold weather is caused by the pumps having to move cold, thickened liquids. The pumps protest, the belt slips, you get squaling. Be patient, the racket should subside in a minute or so. LET THE CAR WARM UP before blasting down the road.

Of course, if the belt is too loose, it needs tightening. If you can deflect the belt more than about a half-inch with firm thumb pressure, tigten it up a little. a LITTLE--a couple turns of the adjuster bolt should suffice. remember to loosen the locknut holding alternator fram in place or you may just shear off the adjuster. >

If you overdo it, the bearings in alternator, PS pump and AC will hate you. Your wallet will hate you. YOU will hate you. Kapeesh?


Mighty Subie

New member
also check to see if the belt has been worn or if it has shiny spots on it indicating that it is time to be changed. also if you aren't running stock pulleys (aka piece of shit underdrive pulleys) make sure that they are not worn down either. belt dressing helps



man, I have been starting mine before I get in the shower. Once I leave it is nice and warm!


Evil Jeff

New member
I always let the car warm up for a bit, at least long enough for me to have a smoke.

The thing that got me is, it's still done it a few times at idle even after the car have been running for 30-40min. Not as bad, but still enough to drive me nuts. I did have the timing belt changed a couple weeks ago, my thoughts are it just wasn't tightened quite enough afterward.



New member
Hey STM is prejudice free!

If they want to do things with belt dressing behind closed garage doors that is their busniess.

p.s. yuck!
