Pure Water Meth 50/50 Mix $10 Gallon


New member
Hey guys, nothing I'm selling directly but for those of you that run water meth, there's a Maine company called Bio Renewable Fuels that uses methanol for other products but will sell a gallon mixed 50/50 with distilled water for $10 a gallon. They'll also do custom mixes up to 90% meth for $15 a gallon.

I know a lot of you run washer fluid, but I've seen some bad stuff as a result of the dye. I had been mixing my own, but it's a less expensive and better quality option to just buy it from them.

You can find them on Facebook easy enough.



Well-known member
I really didn't know you could run washer fluid. I have that in abundance at the shop.



New member
It's only certain types of washer fluid that work. Don't put the bug remover stuff in or you're gonna have a bad time. The stuff that will work in a pinch is usually the really cheap blue stuff. Make sure you read the label so you understand what you're putting into your car. With any washer fluid, you will eventually run into the dye issue.

There's a thread over on NASIOC about the dye. When the fluid vaporizes the dye sticks to everything and over prolonged use can cause discoloration and in more extreme cases gunk up anything before the combustion chamber. That would be (in my case anyways) the throttle body, intake manifold, and TGV's.

In the past I've made my own mix by using denatured alcohol and distilled water, but it ends up costing me a lot more than what BR Fuels is charging and denatured alcohol is only 50% methanol. The other 50% are clean burning alcohols as well, but I am unsure of the risks associated with long term use.


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