Putting gas in my car


New member
Everytime I put gas in my car it doesn't want to start. It turns over like it wants to start but won't unless you give it gas, then it still takes two tries. And even after it starts she tries to stall. Once you get it on the road and drive for a few miles she's fine. Won't try to stall again, and starts up no problem the next time. It first happened on my way home from buying the car. We've tried a couple things to see if we could pin point the issue. We took the gas cap off and let it sit for a few minutes, without the car running, to see if maybe it was a vacuum leak. Put the cap back on and she started right up. So it wasn't that. Then we tried not filling the tank, just putting a couple bucks in, but that didn't make a difference. She still didn't want to start. So we talked to my dad who's a "retired" mechanic and he thought it was weird but recommended doing a tune up and changing the fuel filter. SO we bought the stuff to do all of this, but haven't tried it yet. Just thought I would try to get some thoughts from you guys while I'm waiting for a space in the garage so we can do my tune up. (hint, hint Peter ;D) It's a real pain in the ass and kind of embarrassing when you stop to get gas in your nice car then it won't start. Any thoughts??



I was going to do a bulletin search for these symptoms. I forgot.

Ok, I'll gasp at straws here..............

What if you get gas, cycle the key to on, wait 5 seconds, turn key to off and wait 10 seconds, then back to on, then back to off, then try to start it. Fuel pump priming, maybe the pump took a dump.

Basically cycle the key a few times so fuel that may have lost pressure is now forced to where its supposed to be with some decent pressure.


there is a clogged vent hose or open canister purge solenoid hose somewhere or something like that. Do you ever smell gas while driving or idling?



New member
No, never smell fuel ever. I'll have Peter try that next time he drives it and needs gas. If this does the trick, then replacing the fuel pump should take care of this issue??



maybe, but I can walk you or him thru the fuel pressure test. It will be fun.



i know someone who had a similiar problem it ended up being the screen or sock on the end of the fuel pump



New member
a clogged screen is easy enough to check. Thanks Gabe!

Yeah, leave the car running in the mean time.



New member
mine does that too
Well that's it! I gotta know what the frig it is causing that now.
Wait til your tank is almost empty. Pull your back seat out, remove fuel pump access cover, remove fuel pump bolts, both sides, unplug everything, and pull up on the fuel pump being careful not to damage anything dangling in there, and check you screen at the bottom of the fuel pump. Do it! Now!



no he means right nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnoooooooooooooooooooowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



your not doing it fast enough >



New member
I'll do it as soon as Peter can....
He's the one able to drive it right now, so he'll know when the gas is getting low enough. We'll let you know what happens.



New member
No, been kinda busy with my birthday and all. And he has a lot of stuff occupying the garage right now. We want to get her in there to do a tune up and swap the brake lines all at the same time. Soon....
