Siiiighhh... depressed, needed some cheering up!


New member
So as of right now I'm currently unemployed, which is nice, but the money's running low and all that, so I'm getting depressed about that, haha... so, even though I don't have the money right now, I figured I'd burn some of what I DO have up for the much needed maintenance our subarus so badly beg for. :headbang:

For me:

Oil, Oil Filter, Filter Wrench, New 30mm socket, 21mm wrench, Breaker Bar, and Gear Oil for my tranny/diff.


For the misses:

Some replacement seals for the front of her mean 1.8fwd beast, a timing belt and oil change to go with it!


Oh and I never did get around to showing you all a picture of my girlfriend's new purple nurple!


Trust me, there's many big changes coming for this car.

PS that gear oil smells like saturated bacon fat scraped off of Rosie O'donell's inner thigh... :puke:



New member
If it makes you feel any better I haven't worked since May 11th. The unemployment checks keep coming though :headbang: Ive been keeping busy working on my yard.
