So much for helping out those in need..


New member
So I go up to the corner store, and there's this little emo girl balling her eyes out and asking me if I had any quarters for the payphone, becuase she just got kicked out and her mom was trying to kick her ass blah blah blah...

I didn't have quarters, but I was like "ok, calm down... you can use my cellphone to call your ride or whatever."

So crying and shaking (and being a complete tool) she decides to drop my phone where it ends up landing glass first on the pavement...

Yay for strangers breaking $400 phones because of some bullshit kid drama. :BangHead: :BangHead:


Car Whore

New member
Did she at least say she was sorry? :bunny:

Do you still have her mom's number? Make her buy you a new phone. :fart:

Lesson learned-NEVER help Emo kids. :help: :violent5:



Rally Fluffer