Squeaky ... something ...


Active member
Alright, I found this on NASIOC and I also saw something about the imprezas all using the same bearing ... Would I be able to use this (the hub/knuckle assembly) to get the bearing from? For $50 + shipping, I don't think I could go wrong.



New member
Yes, but removing the long bolt between the outer bushings of the rear lateral links can be a MAJOR major swear all the bad words you know plus make up new ones PITA kind of job. Did I mention that it's a good value to pay someone else with the proper tools (lift, torch, 4-ft breaker bar, quart o Never-Siez, bearing press, AND experience in doing this job before) to do it?

if you DO elect to do it yourself, start several days before you actually start unbolting stuff, and soak everyting that needs to come apart in PB Blaster, again and again. If you have to heat the long bolt to get it out, you may well toast the outer lat link bushings and have to remove those and press in new bushings.

did I say earlier that this is a PITA job? :

well, it is. hassle. blecch. paa-tooey!




Active member
Okay, so it's not the part that costs so much, it's just the labor? I was under the impression that the part was expensive as well. If it's just the labor, then I won't get that one, but if I can save a decent amount finding the bearing elsewhere, I'll probably do that.



New member
a bearing is $80 to $100 per side. Labor will run roughly the same unless your job turns into a harder-than-the-usual Suby R wheel bearing hassle.

just suck it up and have the job done by a competent shop. take care of your car before it pukes out a bearing and strands you and/or your family someplace you don't wanna get stranded.




Active member
Oh, that's not too bad I guess ... I do have another question tho ...

Is that something that would normally be replaced when an axle is replaced?

I ask because I think I mentioned it to Ford when they replace the axle ...

Actully I just went and got the work order, and it's on the same work order so I know I did

Also, should they be replacing parts on my car with stuff from NAPA or should they be using genuine Subaru parts?

And it says they did a "complete suspension, brakes, and engine compartment inspection .... They should have caught that, especially where I TOLD them it was squeaking?

??? >
??? >



Well, your questions begs this question.

WTF were you doing at Ford with a Subaru?

And when did your axels STB (shit the bed)? Did I miss that?



New member
just to complicate the issue....let's talk diagnosing problems by noise now (a la Car Talk guys)....

a bum wheel bearing doesn't generally give out a "squeak" if it's unhappy

bad bearing makes a "thud-thud-duh-duh-duh-duh" that's speed dependent and won't change pitch much if you go on or off the clutch while moving. It may change in pitch or get worse under cornering loads. Often sounds like a tire noise, which you should try to eliminate as a source before replacing parts willy-nilly to solve the prob.

the squeak you talk about sounds more like a suspension bushing or shock/strut issue. could be a loose body panel, but most likely a worn bushing on rer lateral links or trailing arm.

not trying to confuse or confound the issue, just looking for the real culprit. It might really help to have your car diagnosed by a Suby specialist who knows what the typical noises are and what they mean. (Ie., NOT a ford garage)

