Subaru in the news, not in a good way


I don't know anything about it. But the driver and surviving passenger still have accessible facebook pages. This stuff pisses me off. and Skaff should get reamed for this. 22yo at an underage party.



New member
I saw the pictures at work, the car is unidentifiable, I only realized it was a Subaru from the rims. I can't remember seeing something like that before.



New member
Sad story. I will make sure to show this to my 18yr old son. Even in a Subaru you can still get killed if you mix drinking/texting and driving.



New member
Saw this on the news sat night!!! Sad situation!! Guessthe driver is getting charged And the person who..

provided liquer!! RIP to the unlucky kids,inthis tragdy



cwazy man drivin a subie!
its wicked sad... now im not being insensitive but I fail to understand why the irresponsable one that made the poor poor decision that night gets to live while 2 others die... I can never understand how life works like that... its upsetting to me to hear the news say that the driver was already drunk and actually "struck a tree" already that night, that's when people took her keys away, but she then found them and went back out.... I guess the best I can hope is she learned a very sobering lesson... condolences to all familys, even the drivers... what a difficult time for all



New member
Well put Cwazy. It does always seem to happen like that.

The thing that really pulls my "heart strings" too is that the other boy that lived, got out of the car and ran away. They interviewed a father of one of the deceased girls and he broke down asking why the boy would have left his daughter there to die.... that will be something he'll have to live with for the rest of his life (if he makes it... not sure what his condition is).


Mike Mc

New member
Not to derail this thread, but the quad fatal Christmas day in Palermo was caused by the driver in his Legacy (wasn't an SUV as widely reported.) Happened less than a half-mile from my house.

Youth and inexperience can be a fatal combination.



New member
Yeah, on the alcohol subject.. apparently they had left the party at some point, and then they were on their way BACK to the party when this happened.



Hookah Master
Logan Dam is my famly its a long sad story......they were inthe back seat the driver and pass where durnk Logan and Becka had none in there system this is where it hurts the most ive lost so meny famly members due to drunks it hurts a lot so plz if you drink stay off the road plz

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Pascifist Patriot
Im sorry for your loss. I honestly hope the driver gets life, but our justice system doesn't work...



New member
That's horrible K3rn. I'm sorry. Why weren't the kids in the backseats the ones in the front seat, driving? This never would have happened.
