Subies suck int the snow! Forester vs snow...


Saw it a little while back. Flat out driver error.

After ABS sliding, you see him get back on the gas and the car start to come around; then goes back to braking and the car just keeps sliding.

Pending how icy the road was and what tires he had (I know neither), I think it would have been possible to recover that easily.

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Steer with the throttle! I cant believe he just locked up and failed. The subies piled up at the bottom is sad. They should have to take a driving course.

I just noticed he put his foot out the door to stop! FAIL! Why does everyone in these types of videos do that?dum dum dum

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Founding Father
What happens in a persons pea brain that makes them open the car door and stick a leg out??? Do they really think doing that is going to stop a 3,000lbs car? And like stated above, I think he had it when we finally started to let the tires roll. The car started turning, then he gave up and just stuck hes leg out.



Active member
sticking your foot out also doesn't work on an atv. nate can atest to me finding this out the wrong way.



New member
sticking your foot out also doesn't work on an atv. nate can atest to me finding this out the wrong way.
Yes, it either don't work at all, or catch it right and stops you and end up with a very sore leg the next day.

For the video, yes driver error. Depending on whether he has an auto or manual, well its not that important, he could have simply geared down, kept the tires spinning/controlled and most likely recovered. I have done it many times. People have a hard time understanding that sometimes a moving tire is better then a stopped one.

Funny he hit to other scoobs as well


Mighty Subie

New member
what a ******. Just like the ******s here at work. They couldn't make it out of the driveway. (this was the morning of all the rain when everything was glare ice) they thought that matting the accelerator was going to help them out when they tried to make it up the driveway to leave. needless to say, they didn't make it and almost hit my car a few times trying. I did not get a running start like they did, I started half way up the hill and accelerated all the way up the rest of it. LOSERS! it's >90% driver skill. I know I could have made it up with any of their cars, but I didn't offer. I prefer to point and laugh.



New member
that guy 3:54 in is my hero, WHEN IN DOUBT.... THROTTLE OUT.


Mighty Subie

New member
I love it when you see that they are NOT on a path to hit anyone, then they slam on the brakes, and their trajectory is immediately pointed right at the closest car, or in some cases cars! hahah



Well-known member
i've come down too many hills sideways like that other sand truck to know NEVER to leave the shop without tire chains



<1.8 liter
the forestor slide. I have had the crazy version of sube too. the rear has no guidance, it uses the front..unless specific control for different modes. subaru mastered it mechanically, and it disappeared for a long time. I do check in on parts today, and it seems they are locking them in the old school way if you want to stay mechanical (lsd pressure or outright locking). the forestor of all of them should not be playing like a wild ass, the cg is up to thrash into open modes, and smack it back at you at the wrong an old chevy pickup.

I am glad this forestor vid exists.


Nigel Prodrive

Dirt surfer
pat u are a horrible rumour-monger

we need to start a thread; G35s SUCK in snow, esp When Droven By Dumbasses!

this is not a Suby prollem, it is a driver software glitch

(as in Darwinian selection)



pat u are a horrible rumour-monger
we need to start a thread; G35s SUCK in snow, esp When Droven By Dumbasses!

this is not a Suby prollem, it is a driver software glitch

(as in Darwinian selection)
