The Dark Knight

Evil Jeff

New member
Me, the missus, and runnah went to see Hellboy 2 last night. Pretty good, way better than the first. We'll probably go see this next weekend for my b-day. No way I'm going on opening weekend.



New member
I just got an IM from a buddy in Boston with instructions to stop whatever I was doing and to go see DK now.

Even Gene Shallit said that it was a bucket full of awesome.



New member
Yes, it was honestly one of the better movies I've seen in quite some time.... I've always been a big Batman fan and stuff though, save the arnold as mr.freeze bullshit, etc...

Lol, joker's dissappearing pencil trick, it's ftw. :nono:


HR radness

His royal radness
was dumb enough to see hellboy two instead. I am regretting losing two hours of my life to that black void of a movie

DK is my next flick for sure



New member
I went to go last night, but people were lining the streets with car so i said screw it. I'll try during the week...i hate going to the movies when it's packed.


Blue GT

New member
aweness times a billion, it is really good as a movie period and incredible as a batman film. Heath ledger should be getting his due as an incredible joker even if he was still alive. He steals every scene he is in.



yes.....amazing! and nice slide in of "two-face" didnt see that coming till he was in the hospital. im sad heath is dead.... if there is another batman. (and im sure there will be) whose going to play the joker? i just have a feeling that character isn't gone for good.



New member
yeah i saw it the other night as well and i couldn't even tell it was heath half the time but i was kinda disapointed that they brought in two face then killed him off so quickly.


Ms Runnah

New member
Yuck! I did not like this at all. I was FORCED to go see this!! Runnah owes me big time for this one!!

I'm thinking "Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants" may be a good payback movie for him!! LOL :evil1:



New member
Yuck! I did not like this at all. I was FORCED to go see this!! Runnah owes me big time for this one!!

I'm thinking "Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants" may be a good payback movie for him!! LOL :evil1:
That's just not right... even if you didn't like it, you can't rip the metaphorical balls straight out of Runnah by bringing him to such torture as Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants! :sleepy1: :bom:



Baxley’s Speed Shop
Awesome movie I saw it last week the day after it came out down at universal studios while I was on vacation. Im hoping to see it again at the boston IMAX maybe this week.



New member
Not sure what all the hype surrounding this movie is about? Maybe it's because one of the leads is dead, but I felt the first one was better than this (Batman Begins). I thought this was a pretty good action movie, but a little drawn out at times. I was looking at my watch a lot, and to me that's not a good thing.

The best thing about this movie? The preview for Terminator 4!
