Today's bad driver list!

Car Whore

New member
Here are some of my biggest pet peeves,as reinstated by fellow motorists today-

1)When making a left turn,and there is a turning lane JUST FOR THIS.....stopping or sticking out,waiting to cross lanes while holding up and blocking the people behind you.Even just slowing down to a crawl while still in the traffic lane and then getting over just to stop.........instead of getting into the middle turning median and THEN slowing to a creep.I don't know the law exactly,but I'd imagine for safety and flow sakes,that's how it should go.I see this on Rt.1 in Falmouth a lot.There was even a woman on Rt.1 in Scarborough today completely stopped in the passing lane with her blinker on,and about 6 cars behind her honking.....this on a 45mph 4 lane road with a passing median.....

2)Not looking ahead,or paying attention to traffic lights,and creeping through a light while holding up all of the traffic behind you that should have been able to get through that light with plenty of time.There are so many people that have no clue about traffic flow,or the fact that their inattention is holding people up behind them.I think many red light runners are probably caused by one of these people.

Rant over.


Mr Mike

New member

Just to add.....

Some one flys up on your ass, passes you then drives under the speed limit for the duration of the journy.



New member
Don't get me started on people who come to a COMPLETE stop in the EZ-pass lanes.

Oh and those who wait until the last possible moment to merge at road work sites.



New member
time to vent.

drivers on cell phones must die.

even AFTER the fucker hit me, he kept giving me the "please hold" finger while he finished his phone call.

should be outlawed, hands free or not. they should be illegal to use while driving.



New member
Ireland: Driving with Cell Phone banned wiith a US$380 and/or up to 3 months imprisonment on a third offence.

^^^im with them.



New member
1. old people.

2. those fuckers who hold up the passing lane on the interstate! ITS FOR LOVING PASSING!!!!!

3. people who FLY by you, cut in front of you...just to slow down for a turn/exit.

4. old people.

*all must die*



New member
Ireland: Driving with Cell Phone banned wiith a US$380 and/or up to 3 months imprisonment on a third offence.

^^^im with them.
Damn, I'm glad I won't even have a cell while I'm over there.


HR radness

His royal radness
Oh wait, a idiotic Mane driver post...rant ON!!

I drive route one from Brunswick all the way to Bangor all the time. People here say there's bad traffic in the summer. Wanna know why? CAUSE NOBODY GOES THE FRIGGIN SPEED LIMIT THAT'S WHY!!! I see people all the time with Maine plates driving anywhere from 35-45 in a 55MPH zone. If you pass them they either flip you the bird or call the cops, or both. WTF??

Officer "Do you know why I pulled you over"?

Me "well I was going the speed limit, so no..I don't"

Officer "well we got a call that a blue subaru was driving recklessly"

that was the day I was driving conservatively ;D



Reminds me of the folks on Rt.302

They drive under the speed limit, yet get very offensive and offended when someone passes them in a PASSING ZONE. They speed up and/or tailgate and suddenly they own the road and act like they are gonna punish you for passing them in a legal PASSING ZONE. A couple times I've followed guys into the store or their work and ask them what went wrong. :

their responce..." uh. ah, well I was :-[ just bla bla bla bla."


Car Whore

New member
This is just a minor annoyance,but I hate when people flick ashes or butts out the window right in front of me.I know they probably don't stay on my car,or even hit it,but it's just the act of not caring who's behind you,just that your nasty car doesn't smell any worse.Use your ashtray,you stinking cancer recepticle!

Spraying your washer fluid on my car falls in to a similar category.I only do it when no one is close behind me.I don't care for having to wash my windshield again because you don't clean yours. :



New member
This is just a minor annoyance,but I hate when people flick ashes or butts out the window right in front of me.I know they probably don't stay on my car,or even hit it,but it's just the act of not caring who's behind you,just that your nasty car doesn't smell any worse.Use your ashtray,you stinking cancer recepticle!

Spraying your washer fluid on my car falls in to a similar category.I only do it when no one is close behind me.I don't care for having to wash my windshield again because you don't clean yours. :
I used to have a Saab convertible...ash flickers were bad. One actually did come up and over and land in my lap.

Much more frequent was the washer fluid bath. People washing off their bugs in the summer. You could usually see them through the windows and slow down to increase distance.



This is just a minor annoyance,but I hate when people flick ashes or butts out the window right in front of me.I know they probably don't stay on my car,or even hit it,but it's just the act of not caring who's behind you,just that your nasty car doesn't smell any worse.Use your ashtray,you stinking cancer recepticle!
Should be littering and fall under the same capitol offense catagory... I saw someone throw a mc'ds bag out once on the interstate... It took all I had not to just ram them....



New member
Here's my bad drivers for the day...

#1) Coming down congress st this morning to the intersection w/ St. Johns, the train had stopped traffic. I was in the turning lane and some old fart in a sentra decided that he wanted to be there too... without looking. He JUST missed me... I had to juke a little to teh left trying not to hit the curb... it was close... pissed me off though

#2) Not 10 minutes later... leaving the dunkin dognutz on St.Johns St... we walk out with coffee in hand to find that some asshat in an SUV just parked in the lot blocking in about 3 cars! WTF?! There was an empty spot next to teh forester but this person obviously didn't have any parking skillz whatsoever. I was in a hurry to get back to work so Deborah ran in to find out who it was so they could move (there was a line inside).... nobody responded. I got pissed. I was about to blast backwards into the side of it... did a 15 point turn to get outta the spot and past the ass. Whipped out the pen & napkin and wrote a note "NICE PARKING ASSHOLE" but as I got out to paste it to their wet windshield this dumb ass woman hops in it. I'm standing there M-F-ing her and she could have cared less. I was livid... Deborah pulled me back in teh car before I beat the shit out of the dumb ho. arghhh...



re #2)

That would have been a prime opportunity for a "WHO the F*** do you think you are!!"

Mike, this is Maine. Its OK to argue with the retards. ;D



New member
She was part of a minority and looked as though she would have pulled that card and I would have been arrested.



I bet you folks in PA have more public arguements than Maine people. More people and they are closer together equals much communications. But Maine people seem to to be driving on a different set of whoever has the bigger veicle has the right-of-way, and that particular person in that SUV/Chevy truck owns that particular section of the road at that moment, everyone esle best beware!!! :
