Well my subie is gone


New member
Well the STI sold. I take her down south next weekend to meet up with the guy. He has already paid me just waiting on the Title from the bank so I can sign over to him.

The good news is that I am going to save a crap ton of money without a payment on car, no insurance to pay on it, and no gas to pay.

Plus, my company car purchase just got approved so my work is buying me a brand new Chevy Equaniox 1LT AWD. I got to choose the interior and exterior package. Black with Jet Black.

It wont be the Subie but atleast its FREE and I don't have to pay for the insurance or the gas.



Active member
that's sweet dude. did they finally do the math on how much they've been paying for rentals? someone down at hertz just got laid off because of you! hahaha



New member
LOL, no actually they offered me a car like 2 years ago but I turned it down. The choice back then was either a jeep liberty or a minivan. Now that my car is going to be gone and we actually have a nice decent choice I decided to ask again. Plus, I can save literly like $800 a month easy not having to pay for my car and all the extras.



New member
Yea the people at National are going to be hurting. I think whoever has stock in the National may want to cash out. lol.



The Eco Man
That`s about 10K a year x 3 years = new car cash
