What is the worst crash you've walked away from?


New member
I'm not asking about crashes involving drunk drivers or fatalities, just crashes from steping over the limit or some kind of failure on car or driver.

My worst crash was when I was drifting an 88 Cougar XR7 5.0L. I had just put on a new set of Pirelli P500s with Mustang rims. I was drifting at over 60mph when the rear wheel hit a curb and snapped the wheel off, instantly flipping the car through someones bushes and landing on it's side. It was the first and last time I seen the sky where the road was suppose to be, more than once. That was 16 years ago.



I don't have pictures here. but I was rearended about 10 years ago by a blazer. hard enough to total my Saab hatch.

bad day.

more recently:


and yes that is my blood on the car. there was a ton on the top. got rear ended on my way to work nov 07.


Mr. Poon

New member
I was leaving the Airport Mall on Union St in Bangor, minding my own business, and turned left to go towards I95. The closest lane on Union St was backed up with cars, the first of which was a full-sized GMC truck. The other lane was empty. So I had the green light and entered the intersection. Glancing casually to my left, I couldn't help but notice a Dodge Caravan screaming towards me in the empty lane, maybe 15 feet from me. I woke up some time later in the remnants of my beloved '94 Nissan SE-R, my first new car, in a lot of pain and confusion. The SE-R had 196,000 miles on the clock, still with the original clutch.



This was the brand-new hat I was wearing-


Survived with several broken ribs on my left side, a severe concussion, and lots of bumps and scrapes. It was a fantastic car, though. I'd just bought new Falken Azeniz's (sp) and new struts, and it was running like a champ.



The Eco Man
When I was 18 I had a 58 Ford with a 351 Windsor police interceptor engine running legal street slicks. Well it started to snow and I was on the service road of parkway going only 30 mph when all of a sudden the car started drifting right no matter how I turned the wheel. I went thru the wooden fence ( sound barrier ) and sailed into a sunken backyard and landed on top of the owners apple tree
I wasn`t hurt. Lesson I learned slicks + snow = Oh ******.



New member
I haven't had any real bad accidents, but my buddy took a state owned vehicle
through 3 rock walls at 100+ and walked away.



New member
After being picked up from my night in Eastern Maine Mecial for a bad concussion (snowboarding) by my friend from Boston, she gave me a ride to Portland on her way home. We dropped a girl off in Pownal and were doing about 50 on a back road in the snow in an early 90's chevy lumina (mass driver) when she lost it and we jumped a snowbank, rolled 2x and ended up right side up. I aparently refused medical attention but was ok and we both walked away from it.







Truck pulled out in front of me. Avoided truck, couldn't keep bike up. Skid on my face down the street with my bike on my leg. Wear your helmet. I'd look like Twoface without it. The slide wore through my kaki's and sneakers. I have real pants now and am getting boots soon.



New member
1) Hit was head on in Boston on Huntington Ave by a big Chrysler, I was in a 84 dodge colt. Recived concussion, multiple stitches, seperated elbow, a variety of bruises on my legs that kept me from walking for about three days. I managed to break the steering wheel with the impact from my body, get a few cuts from the winshield that I shattered with my head and my olegs hit the front drivers side of the car there was concern that one or both had been broken. The drivers side passenger received a fractured bone in her leg and her little sister in the back seat (who was sitting sideways) totally escaped without any harm. I wish I had pixx of the car still. I can remeber being helped up off the ground when I tried to get out of the car; although I really felt no pain (thank U Mr bump in the head) I could not walk and literally had to be dragged away from the smokig car

the second one (although) not a car was worse. I knocked heads with a competitor ion a highscool soccer game. I recieved such a severe concussion that they were concerned I could potentially slide into a coma and had two fractured and one broken vertabrae' in my neck.

Also tearing my ACL completely was a charming feeling as well as a year on crutches to recover from it.

I also rearended a car once while I was doing a bonghit. The top ring of the bong jammed my lips into my teeth splitting them wide open.

wanna talk about the bad crap I have done with a motorized vehicle between my legs?

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Ty Ty

New member
pretty clean moment for the xj, huh ty?

Isn't often that it's not covered in mud or anything. Helped that it was pouring at the time. Heh.

Of course...everything inside was suddenly on the pass. side windows...and we had a lot of stuff packed in that thing, haha.

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Nigel Prodrive

Dirt surfer
Ski Sawmill Rally, 2002

my very first stage rally, codriving for a friend in a Fiat X1/9

flew off a crest in the woods, got squirrely on landing, slid off side of road. rolled several times (I say 4, driver says 3) launched off a banking, hit a tree 10 feet off the ground, landed on the roof.

no injuries, but the baby Stratos was toast.

weirdest part was when we were hanging there upside down in the seat belts and we saw many feet approaching...spectators. "Are you guys, like, ALIVE in there??!!" They helped pull us out thru tiny side window, after that I swore only to rally in cars with nice big window openings, like Subarus..

when it came time to retrieve what was left of the Fiat, I took the wrecker's tow chain down the banking, and the car owner was yeling at me "...Not to damage anything putting the chain on" I was like, WTF x47!

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Baxley’s Speed Shop
Ive only been in one accident. I was going a little to fast going down a dirt road in my audi when I was young and dumb (dumber) and lost it into some trees. No one got hurt but the car was totaled.



New member
I think i was seventeen living with my gramma for the summer and i borrowed her car.Nothing special ,a dodge dart,me and my girlfriend were suposed to be going to the movies in windham but i kept going towards my home town of bridgton and looking to party.As we aproach the corner before the chutes bakery straight away,i see one car pass another and that car veared head on into my lane.Time slows at this point:iam: As the first car passes to my left,while the second is coming directly at us,i whip the wheel to the left and instead of haveing a head on ,we take the blow on the passenger side just behind my girlfriends seat.
When i came to[might have lost reality for a few] both car a streached across rte 302....Girlfriend was taken to the hospital ,i walked away etc...Girl driving other car:rant: 1st day with new liscence,she had been playing with the radio,looked up to see a car in front of her and she whiped it to the left in a panic.She admitted to the local police.



New member
ive only got one accident under my belt deer ran out into the road when i was goin 40 i had an 05 accord and it rolled down the passenger side of the car and i had chunks of deer skin and hair inbetween every body panel this thing touched but it got up and ran away dammit



New member
it was the summer between my freshman nad sophomore year in high school. i was living on the coast in Searsport.

every year there is the Belfast Bay Festival and the carnival in the park on the outskirts of town.

it was incredibly foggy out and my buddy who had only had his license for about 3 weeks (took him a week to get it in florida when visiting his mother) drove us there.

on the way home about 11pm on route 1 in Searsport right at the entrance to Searsport Shores Campground, we hit a parked RV,

a group of carnies thought they were off the road, it was dark and foggy, they had turned their lights off, my buddy may have been going too fast for the conditions, as he was inexperienced. we slammed so incredibly hard into the right rear corner of the RV. this was basically due to driver inexperience, he should ahve veered right instead of left. i was in the front passenger seat, his brother and friend were in the rear seats. we were in his olds delta 88, the battery that was located behind the headlight on the right hand side was RElocated to right next to the firewall. none of us were wearing seat belts, i was thrown into the windshield 45mph with no belt on.my face left quite the impression on the windsheild. i have the scar to prove it.

to this day i still get a little sick to my stomach when i have to drive at night in the fog, and even more so if im not the one driving. it has also led me to be a better driver and always trying to be more alert than the other drivers on the road. another side effect is my inability to sleep while riding in a car. even if im not driving, i cannot fall asleep, if i try to doze off i go into panic mode.

the thing i remember most was the noise, and the smell of gasoline.
