What The Garage/driveway Looks Like Right Now...


Stage -11ty

From left to right: My version 6 Type RA Sti, the wife's version 3 WRX and the bro-in-law's R32 GTR in the driveway.

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The Northernah'
That is damn cool! how much do wrx's and sti's of these generations go for over there?



Stage -11ty
My Sti was waaaaaay too much money for what I got, but I still love it.
The WRX was a steal at $2k, but it needs some work. I'm not sure how much the GTR went for, but I know it was quite a bit. Probably right around what I payed for my car, which was almost $12k.



Nice. Can you bring them back, if not start mailing them back one part at a time.



Stage -11ty
The wife's WRX isn't worth bringing back. It's probably gonna get parted out in April/May. I believe that the GTR will be coming back to the states. I think that's why he spent so much on it. lol It has to do with the safety standards on it and it's age. I guess it's fairly easy to bring back. My RA on the other hand... I desperately want to bring it back with me. I want it to be my race car. I'll trailer it behind a Forester if I have to.
But it's looking like it will be a lot more of a challenge to bring back. Best case: I'll still have to pay for it to get shipped. Worst case: I'll bring most of it back in parts.

oh my god you have a garage with a concrete floor
I know! Now if I only had all those tools I had at the last garage...
