Why Kartboy might suck for some...


Evergreen Auto Spa
I got all excited when you called.

"woo, GC shifter and bushing, no problemo, on the way, weeee."

WRONG! I never even noticed the 97-01 and no 93-96 problem. I'm soooo sorry man. That sucks so bad. I feel like such a rookie right now.

(slinks off to hide out back)



New member

Let me repeat... JOEL DID AN AWESOME JOB! Fast, prompt, semi-accurate service. No problem there... just Kartboy's lack of selection... BAH.



New member
When in doubt blame Joel!!

p.s. do they have a full bushing set from kartboy for endlinks and what not?



New member
ahem, Hairy...the problem is NOT Kartboy, it's you...aka"mechanic's error." It's yet another one of those things you didn't know you didn't know.

when you pried the old shifter out with a :pOP" it sounds like you neglected to take the circlip off the bottom of the plastic bushing that holds the shifter ball. If that's what you did, the whole thing is flummoxed now.

you can replace the stock shifter ball bushing and circlip and the KB short shifter will work fine. put the KB ball into new bushing with some grease, push bushing down into circular cutout in shifter rod, install circlip from below (CAUTION make sure circlip is fully engaged) and button things back up. If the KB bolt doesn't fit thru the shifter fork, re-use stock one

posters please beware of what you're doing before posting "SO-N-SO SUX" kind of threads.



New member
Nigel's right. It's my fault for not being more thorough and making sure of what I was doing.

A couple questions though...

1.) How the HECK do I get that circleclip (c-clip) out in the first place?

2.) Will a '97 shifter ball bushing work in a '96 transmission?

3.) Why doesn't the Kartboy site make any mention of a c-clip? Is there no c-clip in 97+?

4.) The Kartboy didn't come with a bolt. The barrel, which the bolt goes through, is longer on the Kartboy than it is on the stock one. The barrel portion WILL NOT fit into the stock shifter fork, even if I fixed everything else...




New member
Oh, and before this thread takes a turn for a WTFBBQ... this is Bitch-n-Moan... don't like my minute-long-soapbox-bash? Read another thread.

No, Kartboy is not to blame for me breaking my shifter mount. However, I am a little disappointed in the lack of the '93-'96 shifter.



New member
circlip lives under the shifter ball bushing. reachable only from underneath the car, up past exhaust. there may be heat shields in the way on early cars that complicate this job.

KB shifter bushing may require a little tweaking of the shifter fork, and some washers to make everything fit just right. be creative.

we have mixed up GC-chassis shifter parts and WRX lshifter parts, and so far they have worked together OK.

Hairy, consider taking a subscription of alldataDIY.com, you can purchase a 1-year subscription to fully illustrated Subaru tech manual for #0...cheap insurance when yore learning your way around these cars.



Oh, and if your plastic bushing is not brken, it takes a little persuasion to get a shift lever in. Put the lever like you are going to push it in, get a wooden block, rest that on top of shift lever, hit a couple of times with hammer. Be sure to not bugger up the threads on top of lever. It helps to have someone, that trusts you, to hold the lever while you hit it.



New member
This is not good. This car's out of commission until at least Sunday. That's if I can find the parts I need.

Technically, all I need is to replace the C-clip, right? If that's the case, let me know if you've got them, Joel. At this point, I just need to get the car driving. I can use my wife's vehicle, but it's going to wear out quick. I don't have a place that I can do this work, though... and no way to move the car, which is currently parked in the street in front of my house...




Not to take anything away from Nigel. The man knows his stuff. i just wonder if the bushing is truly borked



New member
hairy, is the bushing out of the car??

if so, look on the bottom to see the little ridge where the circlip went. if you've pried bushing out of the car, the circlip is probly underneath the car or on the street.

have you looked underneath to see what you've gotten into? do you have a good jack and jackstands to hold it up while you dive underneath? if not, don't do it. get car towed to a grage that can handle the job correctly and safely.

yes, you have to pop the KB lever back into the bushing. shouldn't take a hammer to do it, tho.



New member
Nothing seems broken. The circlip does seem bent. I'll need a new one, I think. I can see the tip of the circlip through the top of the chassis. I have a good pair of wheel ramps, so I should be able to use those.

I can't work on the car where it sits. I'll need to rig the car into 1st gear and move it to a better spot. That's the tricky part, I fear.

But I'll push through and get this taken care of. The KB level WON'T work though, because the ball size is too small for my application, and the barrel is too long to fit in the fork without modifying it. I'll have to return it to Joel, and re-install my stock shifter for now... oh well.

I'll change the fluids while I'm under there...



New member
No, it's not gonna happen until I get the circlip from Joel. That is, if he carries it.

Saturday is d-day on this.

I'd RATHER keep the KB Lever, but since the barrel is too long, I'd have to modify my shifter fork. Any suggestions? I know it'd help if I posted pics... bah



New member
So Joel KICKS ASS... Got the part #'s for the three items - the Circlip, plastic ball on the end of lever, and the plastic/nylon receiver. Gonna call the local Subaru shop and get these ordered so I can pick them up tomorrow and fix this baby over the weekend.
