Why we used ta love Petter, Chapter 2002

Nigel Prodrive

Dirt surfer
Rallye Monte Carlo 2002....Petter and Phil set fastest time up famous Col de Turini...amazing 22-some minutes of utter concentration. Phil Mills talks like he's a 33 1/3 LP speeded up to 45

warning...graphic footage of about 49 handbrake turns between Scooby-munchin granite walls and ultimate oblivion launch into thin air


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DRiVe SiDeWayZ
Yeah....but not to the extent of this one in the video....i wouldn't even want to speed on it, just the view alone is worth the drive



I cant read and ride without gettin "caRsick", especially on a windy stretch as this, wow. I dont know how you guys can co-drive and read on roads such as these. Put me in a drivers seat and im fine, though in the outback this 23 minute video would be more like 69 minutes, and screeetching tires.
