dear neon


New member
I'm sorry, but I think we need a "dear neon" thread. This thread isn't aimed directly at neons, but is to be used as a way to release stress in a creative non violent road rage way.

Here's an example.

Dear old man in the Cadillac deville that cut my mom and I off at the stop light in Newport. Had you realized that your land yacht wouldn't fit between our car, and the ford in front of us, we wouldn't have had to back up 11.5 feet. Thank you for helping us miss that green light.

There, now you try!

Dear Clueless Drivers Visiting North Conway,

This is not how you use the center turning lane.


If you don't know how to drive, stay off the road or find a cliff and drive off it.

Have a nice day.

OH GAWD....srry if I offend anyone from Maine here...

Dear Maine drivers, expecially in the area I live in.

Is it required to drift right so far U stop all traffic behind U prior to making a left hand turn? Even when there is a definative second lane designed exclusively for making such turns... OK the logging/timber industry trucks get a pass, I can see as they are big and heavy... but dude in the grand caravan or Camry...c'mon!

here is my second one...

(hahaha...cant resist this one...)

Dear NEFR Rally drivers...

Y did U have to drive soooo slow down Rte 2 in such heavily modified cars... Don't U know I was trying to get good parking for the next stage of NEFR... Next time I am going to pass U guys like a F-15 buzzin the Goodyear blimp, with my exhaust cut-off wide open of course.

Iknow Iknow... they have restrictors and are required to drive very nicely on public raods to prevent the loss of location...just such an easy shot to take on drivers that are otherwise just kwik as heck..

Dear Clueless Drivers Visiting North Conway,
This is not how you use the center turning lane.


If you don't know how to drive, stay off the road or find a cliff and drive off it.

Have a nice day.
Someone did this to ME yesterday!!!


Dear Cell Phone Driver,

If you're going to use your cell phone while driving, which one do you think is more important to pay attention to? Oh, your phone? That explains it. Next time you pull out onto a one way street with three lanes of traffic headed towards you, I hope when you hop that curb, you break your car miserably. I hope that stupid grin I saw on your face as you probably were laughing about it to your partner in crime on the other end of the line gets stuck that way and you end up with a permanent "OH ****, HAHAHAHAHAHA" look. I hope you at least got a flat tire.

Oh, and speaking of NEFR drivers ... how about next time you run the stage down South Arm REGARDLESS of whether or not you have a stupid ambulance or not. Having my friends camp on that road, we woulda had a great show, but NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!

I like this

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yeah spimaster... this is going to B a fun thread

or this even though it is not really driving related other than it keeps my car indoors for the most part.

Dear Mr. weatherman...

Just give up and confess, it is going to rain all summer long. Please stop teasing us with UR new forecast buzz phrase..."spotty sunshine"...face it brother... if it is not already raining it is probably going to really right now where I live.

dear ford probe im not gonan let you get away with passing me and flipping me off when im already doing 10 over the spead limit.. switch to sport sharp, down shift dear ford probe owner again you look great in my rear view now

Lmao these are coming out awesome.

Dear woman in your mercades in front of me at Tim hortons currently. No matter how long you lonesomely stare at the menu, it won't change, nor will it do any sort of cool trick.I'm sure you might have some sort of eating binge, but please let me get my coffee and donut because I'm hungry.

Dear cast iron well pipe at my job site,

why the hell do you have to be so low that i couldn't see you, while i was backing up. Dont you know my memory is as long as my tail, and i dont have one. Why did you have to drive my passsenger side fender inward? All you had happen is a small crack on the cover, boo hoo.....


nah, it was the Fozz. I bent it back as much as i could, so you cant tell from far away. But i'll eventually get a new fender for it

Dear ricer with the big wing, spinning hub caps, and stupid tail lights on your honda, when I'm passing you (because you are doing 10 under the limit) please don't accelerate. Try as you might your 1.6L honda isn't going to beat my 2.2L subaru.

Dear ricer with the big wing, spinning hub caps, and stupid tail lights on your honda, when I'm passing you (because you are doing 10 under the limit) please don't accelerate. Try as you might your 1.6L honda isn't going to beat my 2.2L subaru.
but that all depends on how many decal stickers he had on the car and exactly how big the pep boys wing was cause they both had hp

but that all depends on how many decal stickers he had on the car and exactly how big the pep boys wing was cause they both had hp
& how many holes he has blown in his fartcan with a Makita....

I think I just de-bunked the sticker/hp rule... unless the George Bush sticker negated all the added HP by the other stickers

Dear Selfish Idiot Drivers,

If you're driving along on a single lane road with a giant lines of cars behind you and the road opens up to two lanes ("Slower Traffic Keep Right"), don't be a total jackass and accelerate so that barely anyone can pass you, then slow back down again when the passing lane ends.

I don't know why you do this, but it sucks and you deserve to be beaten by a gang of angry midgets. Have a nice day.

whats worse is when i owned my Honda having every little idiot in there moms Camry trying to race me!

Dear Idiot

If it is dark out and you cant see where you are backing up please get out and look my motorcycle would really appreciate not meeting your bumper again!

Dear Mainely Subarus,

I am part of the forum! Wave back! Just because i have a LGT instead of a cool WRX or STI or even XT Fozzy i am still a part of the group!

Thanks to other LGT members who wave back, love you.


(please take this in jest)

dear tourists who make unsainly amounts of traffic in Ogunquit dont get mad when i pass you on the way to the hospital with a friend who just crashed his bike while the ambulance with my grandmother in it is only right up the road


Dear Mainely Subarus,I am part of the forum! Wave back! Just because i have a LGT instead of a cool WRX or STI or even XT Fozzy i am still a part of the group!

Thanks to other LGT members who wave back, love you.


(please take this in jest)
atleast its a gt
