Recent content by cperrine

  1. C

    Just heard this band on another site, check them out.

    DragonForce = Rush + Double kick pedal ??
  2. C

    1996 F-350 Crew Cab Long Bed VS. 2002 WRX Sedan

    Yeah! no it happened a couple years ago. I was just bored and thought I'd mention it. Obviously no one cares including HoMoSube . Rally, do you know if that guy was on STM?
  3. C

    1996 F-350 Crew Cab Long Bed VS. 2002 WRX Sedan

    So I was driving the wilderness school's f-350 crew cab long bed (loved that truck - "Black Betty") on 27 South. I was stuck behind a line painter (<30mph) with another two or three cars behind me, including a jeep and a rex. We got out of the cork screws and onto that straight-away by...
  4. C

    1996 F-350 Crew Cab Long Bed VS. 2002 WRX Sedan

    Guess what happened.... more to come.
  5. C

    I feel like he's trying to make me like it.

    and nobody better compare this one to the bugeye's. That is such a lame argument.
  6. C


    Some guy from NJ I guess. I tried to get him on stm but he didn't seem too interested. He drives that Shampagne Accord with NJ plates now. He left the STi back home, good thing, I was getting pretty jealous.
  7. C


    Well, thanks to that Thule billboard you can't really hear anything unless the radio's off and your're driving on those freshly paved sections of 295. I do Vaguelee remember that silver rex. Were you closer to Forest ave?
  8. C

    I feel like he's trying to make me like it.

    "and it's a car that speaks directly...(strategic pause) the heart...(another quick pause, sounds like Trump, god I already hate this guy)...of every enthusiast in this hall." "More elegant (read gay), but less dramatic (it's a freakin STi, you better go back and make it look dramatic)"
  9. C

    Went wingless

    Noice!! I always thought de-winging was classy. Although your poop tube kinda counter-acts that. "That's a huge bitch!!" re: swapping vs filling...I'm sure that either way you can sell the leftovers on eBay for a good couple bucks.
  10. C


    I've gone without the racks. I just attatched them so I could move them and have yet to take them off (going on 2 mos.) Sometimes I think the wheels are a little too gangstah. Oh yeah! I've had a stock wing for about 2-3 years. Obviously I haven't put that on. Thoughts??
  11. C


    Which do you prefer?? ?
  12. C

    Winter Mode, and the first offical Photo Shoot.

    There's just somethin about shiny that makes a car look good. but uhhhggg! those hubcaps...I think I just threw up in my mouth a little. :-
  13. C

    Without a doubt, the best music video.

    oh yeah! found this they suck, but I think he's the one that talks and then leaves.