4pot onto 05 wrx questions


Some sweet 4pots will be showing up in the mail in the next day or so, just want to make sure i have all my facts straight before i go unbolting stuff.

im pretty sure that they just bolt straight up, and i can use my rotors.

can i keep my existing hoses? or do i need to get different ones?

are there any other key changes i need to make before installing?



New member
havning never done it this is all speculation but... they should just bolt up. i don't know about the rotors but the lines should be the same, your going to need new pads obviously but it should be as straight foreward as puting wrx brakes on a gc or 4pots on a gc.

good luck!



New member
What is the brand of rotors your getting? Do they come with brackets? The brand should list somewhere what size rotor they fit. I'm guessing they are not STi Brembos only because you did say "Sti 4pots" or anything. I only mention those because i've heard they are totally different, different rotors, pads, lines, etc, etc...

When you get them you will be able to tell if the line bolt holes looks the same.

If your doing a complete brake upgrade i would suggest some SS Lines and super blue brake fluid. But don't put the SB in right away. Get all your parts installed and run it for a couple weeks or so just to make sure everything is fine cause you don't want to waste the SB. It's very possible you could end up with some air in the system after a caliper(and maybe line) upgrade. This is where the Super Blue is perfect. After a couple of weeks or so bleed in the Super Blue and you can watch as the fluid changes from normal to blue, then you will know you have all the air out of the system. Just be sure to bleed them in the correct order.

Then i would recommend some Red Stuffs in the near future. Not necessary but super fun!!




New member
oh and make sure the caliper is bolted to the car when you start to bleed them .
