been tanning lately?


New member
How many thousands of people do U know that werk a tan all year indoors? I know a variety of them from the Boston, up here...Pretty much anywhere I know people!

About the ONLY place in the world I can tell U I have not really seen them was Cabo San Lucas Mexico except in a couple spa's....<---what.. U have never been completely wrapped in seaweed, covered in chocolate and left to bake in the sun? Me either but I watched it happen a couple times...

To me this announcement was only a matter of can U possibily think that toasting the pigments in UR skin via artifical radiation can not B bad for you long term.

A new analysis of about 20 studies concludes the risk of skin cancer jumps by 75 percent when people start using tanning beds before age 30. Experts also found that all types of ultraviolet radiation caused worrying mutations in mice, proof the radiation is carcinogenic. Previously, only one type of ultraviolet radiation was thought to be lethal.

The new classification means tanning beds and other sources of ultraviolet radiation are definite causes of cancer, alongside tobacco, the hepatitis B virus and chimney sweeping, among others.
now may B a good time to get a deal on a tanning bed...

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New member
Those poor chimney sweepers that smoke, like to get around town with many women, and maintain a tan in a capsule!



I just quit working at a tanning salon, I was there for over a year. (I almost typed this under Gabe's account, that woulda' looked really funny!!)

Tanning salons are now equipped with uva/ uvb blocking bulbs, which don't block it out fully [obviously], but allow a healthy dose of vitamin D to be absorbed. Tanning helps to eliminate depression, Cabin Fever, and skin conditions like psoriasis. We had local doctors recommending their patients often. I worked there for a year and a half, and I only tanned there as an employee 15 times.

It is addicting to men and women.

While I kept the salon spotless, the biggest health hazzard was not from what I had seen with the bulbs, it was what the customers were doing in the 18 public trashcans in each room. EVERY bodily function/ fluid you could imagine. And I mean E-V-E-R-Y!

I haven't tanned since March, but am not against it, I would just do it in moderation.



New member
While I kept the salon spotless, the biggest health hazzard was not from what I had seen with the bulbs, it was what the customers were doing in the 18 public trashcans in each room. EVERY bodily function/ fluid you could imagine. And I mean E-V-E-R-Y!


It's a trade off too Vitamin D deficiencies have been linked to other forms of cancer. We're all gonna die some day of something.



Well-known member
It's true. Especially when your boss doesn't believe he should have to buy gloves for the staff. It would have been more sanitary working at a nursing home or daycare, or sadly even a trash dump.


Nigel Prodrive

Dirt surfer
I prefer tanning in one of my two portable nautical salons

open motorboat +/- sailboat x N (number of sunny days) x BUDS (# of friends aboard wearing skimpy clothing) = tannage the way it oughta be



wow gabe didnt know you worked at a tanning salon :p
yeah yeah I know (
). After I submitted it and saw what I had done, I was like, "Well, maybe it looks like he's speaking on my behalf!"



either way [indoor and outdoor tanning], I stay protected with SPF 15 on my face and body (and SPF 85 on my tattoos). My father had skin cancer and totally don't need to follow in his footsteps.



New member
good for U, especially covering the tats... I know lots of pople who let their "tanning ego" get in the way and just do not care about consequences.

I have this scottish heritage/blood thing in my system... the sun doesn't like me at all and I always have a tube of SPF 25,000 handy... My ancestors were great at beating each other to death with blunt objects but they hate the sun...



New member
I always wonder how much damage I did in that summer i painted all year with my shirt off and never wore any sunscreen.
