Call of Duty: Modern Warfare


I guess I need to get this, plus Live ... huh?
The game is worth it just for its single player, but if you get into multiplayer, there's a lot of depth there. Intricate maps, piles of different weapons, different game modes, strategies, etc. It can be as casual or as hardcore of an experience as you want.



New member
I guess I need to get this, plus Live ... huh?
PS3 = Free Live



New member
that's what sold us on PS3. Like a specific tool that can do two different jobs...a 2fer. Plus you can cruise the interweb with it. Any key board with a USB will work. ANd you can download movies instantly from NetFlix. Joy.

<--jonesin'! My wife has to watch 'her' shows. I need to play COD MW2!



i know, i love the netflix streaming feature!!! my roomie is allowed to watch anything the wants through the streaming feature, but i get all the disc's >: )



me n ryan have been havin a blast on co-op. anybody else play on ps3 that's lookin to get in on the action?



New member
AHHHHH I cant play my xbox till next Tuesday! My power cord broke and you cannot buy a powercord in any store, it has to be from the internetz. God, I might have to be, like, social or something now.



New member
So I thought you had a problem when you mentioned going outside and automatically looking for UAVs.

Yesterday I noticed, only sometimes, when rounding corners and entering rooms I automatically look for campers and others crouched down waiting to blast me in the face, only hoping I blast them first. It happened at work. I came around the front counter and looked down to my right expecting to see someone. IRsick.



Active member
hahahaha, I would have loved to have been tucked in the corner. That would have been hilarious!
