
Active member
Post a Mod or Maintenence that you'd like to get a DIY for and hopefully one of our expeert DIYers can get something going!

bleedin brakes


good one though. anyone doing this soon?

I should do mine soon. But I have a Downpipe install coming up on Friday evening at my place. If someone wants to photograph the event (I can supply camera) I can do the writeup.

a sway bar thread, front rear

I found years of overlaps... if someone wants to stay more patient than I, someone else could do the work and I could just read the thread like a lazyass.

i'd like to get a tutorial on smoking taillights. i know nicklepage does it quite often. i'm not terrible with a spray can, but i have issues with wet sanding and anything else involving making the finish smooth and glossy

Mark, tried to PM you but it says you can't receive PMs.

It's nothing private really so I'll post it here, just didn't want to clutter up this thread.

I migrated my guide from USMB over here. I could have just put it all into the first post of my original thread, but I didn't realize this forum let you have so many pictures in one thread. AWESOME!!! Anyway, I made a mess... If you could please merge the first one I posted onto the end of the one with the guide pictures in it I'd greatly appreciate that.

Thanks so much

will do! thanks a lot man i appreciate it. no idea why my pm's would say that, i've had a couple come in within the past couple days. might have been a temp error..?

i just scrapped the old one, if i merge it does it chronologically so the first 5 or 6 posts would be from the old one.

That's fine. There wasn't a whole lot of very juicy content in the first one anyway.... Thanks for cleaning that up for me.

hey I have one I'd like to post. lightweight no pics.

in regards to a thing called "tick of death" old ea82.

I deciphered it into a list... some things may be a surprise... consistent in the three ea82s I have driven over 13 years.

Do I just post, or do I get a vote for approval?

not bad. just need soapy water and a good level place to work. when i get the yoko geolanders for my car i'll tape it

feel free to post any diy's you deem acceptable and helpful. however, pictures are a must. basic easy to understand structure is also a must. these aren't journeys through car repair, they are step by step visual guides on how to get something done.

with that being said, have at it anyone!

I was thinking about writing up a plain english explanation of the SCCA Autocross class rules. I'd be pulling from other sites and adding in my own experience/interpretation, and I would need a couple other people to review and critique before posting.

Is there enough interest out there to make it worth putting the time in?
