Hail Damage


Active member
Just to clarify a few things. All of our cars were not damaged! This is a brash statement and should not be taken to heart. Our Subaru and Nissan lines seem to have taken the hail damage, and it was not every one of the 100+/-. We will not be sending these cars through our bodyshop that would be insane! Our insurance company hires out of state dent removal tech's. They will set up shop over in our recon area and will probably be working the metal on about 300 to 400 insurance claim vehicles. You all are right, there is not reportable damage since there is no structural damage.

FYI I was sittin in the FXT when you were there at the dealership. The salesmen are never the ones to talk to when you want information about body work. The bodyshop was right next door and they would have given you the number to call your insurance company. They also might have been able to get you the info as to who we might be using to do our dent removals.

If I seem a little touchy I am not. There should be some restraint to statements that can damage a dealership's future sales(no matter who that dealership is).

Sorry if this makes waves that's not my intention. I can understand when there is something wrong we get upset and look for answers, get angry, try to place blame and make brash statements. We are only human.



New member
that's the way to go imho. The dents guys. You'll never see the dents in the end, no major surgery, and its cheaper, and you'll still have the factory finish. Good luck to all of you in Augusta. I know theres a couple hundred people that make a living based on those cars and the dealership. Hopefully it will all be over sooner than later. The economy is already crappy enough. Hopefully everyone can move along full steam once the first couple cars come back from the dent guys. Best wishes!



New member
Ok, I want to appologize to the Augusta Dealership. I should not have said anything about possible hail damage to the cars in thier lot. It just seemed as if the guy I talked didn't want to admit it when I was stuck in traffic 100ft away when it happened. It seemed deceptive. As I drove through I did not see any damage on thier cars either, they still looked flawless. Incidentally my car was purchased through that dealership 2 years ago. Also, if you guys were using paintless dent removal you should have said so and not tried to farm my work out to the Collision Center next door, whom I already dislike immensely.

I had already talked to my insurance company prior to talking to you guys, I was just curious what you guys were doing to fix yours and what you felt the magnitude of the repairs should be since you had the same problem on similar cars. I have had far more than my share of body work on this car and I know how insurance claims work very well by now. I just wanted to make sure I didn't get price gouged by the other body shop I go to. They did my deer collision last year.

As far as the collision center goes, if you want me to be nice to them your barking up the wrong tree. They screwed up my car the last times I brought it in there and I was not at all impressed. I felt as if they thought I had no Idea what I was talking about and when I complained that my new bumper didn't match the paint on my 1 month old car they told me it would fade to the right color. They were very wrong. It was supposed to be obsidian black pearl, not black with EXTREEM GREEN flake. I have since replaced the bumper at another shop that can match black. They also didn't clean it as State Farm said they would (Supposed to be a courtesy). Also when I warp two rims, it ussually requires a re-alignment which they didn't want to do at first either. Its not thier money, so what do they care? Big companies should treat thier customers like they are important to them, because without them, they have no business. They were nice enough when I was a perspective customer, but after they screwed it up I felt like they treated me like a number. Also when I show up for a quote they should not treat me like I am annoying them if they want my business. I don't care how bad thier day has been. If my car has damage, my day has been pretty damn bad too and being treated poorly wont make me feel better or comfortable with the repairs.

Thanks for the Morality check AirX. I admit, I was upset about my car a little and I didn't think before posting about what I heard. It was poor judgement on my part. I hold no ill will against the Augusta Dealership, but if dealerships fear what people say about them, then honesty is the best policy. Don't point me at the collision center and give me the impression that is what you guys are doing, because there is a huge difference in price that my insurace company wont appreciate. Even though it is not my money, it is my car, and I don't want to have it repainted if its not necessary because that could lead to premature corrosion problems. Factory finnish is always the most resistance in my experience.

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Active member
Ok, I want to appologize to the Augusta Dealership. I should not have said anything about possible hail damage to the cars in thier lot. It just seemed as if the guy I talked didn't want to admit it when I was stuck in traffic 100ft away when it happened. It seemed deceptive. As I drove through I did not see any damage on thier cars either, they still looked flawless. Incidentally my car was purchased through that dealership 2 years ago. Also, if you guys were using paintless dent removal you should have said so and not tried to farm my work out to the Collision Center next door, whom I already dislike immensely.

I had already talked to my insurance company prior to talking to you guys, I was just curious what you guys were doing to fix yours and what you felt the magnitude of the repairs should be since you had the same problem on similar cars. I have had far more than my share of body work on this car and I know how insurance claims work very well by now. I just wanted to make sure I didn't get price gouged by the other body shop I go to. They did my deer collision last year.

As far as the collision center goes, if you want me to be nice to them your barking up the wrong tree. They screwed up my car the last times I brought it in there and I was not at all impressed. I felt as if they thought I had no Idea what I was talking about and when I complained that my new bumper didn't match the paint on my 1 month old car they told me it would fade to the right color. They were very wrong. It was supposed to be obsidian black pearl, not black with EXTREEM GREEN flake. I have since replaced the bumper at another shop that can match black. They also didn't clean it as State Farm said they would (Supposed to be a courtesy). Also when I warp two rims, it ussually requires a re-alignment which they didn't want to do at first either. Its not thier money, so what do they care? Big companies should treat thier customers like they are important to them, because without them, they have no business. They were nice enough when I was a perspective customer, but after they screwed it up I felt like they treated me like a number. Also when I show up for a quote they should not treat me like I am annoying them if they want my business. I don't care how bad thier day has been. If my car has damage, my day has been pretty damn bad too and being treated poorly wont make me feel better or comfortable with the repairs.

Thanks for the Morality check AirX. I admit, I was upset about my car a little and I didn't think before posting about what I heard. It was poor judgement on my part. I hold no ill will against the Augusta Dealership, but if dealerships fear what people say about them, then honesty is the best policy. Don't point me at the collision center and give me the impression that is what you guys are doing, because there is a huge difference in price that my insurace company wont appreciate. Even though it is not my money, it is my car, and I don't want to have it repainted if its not necessary because that could lead to premature corrosion problems. Factory finnish is always the most resistance in my experience.

That is not cool about the bodyshop and I will look into it more on your behalf. There is no excuse for ignorance or pushing you off since now we have lost some business. If not just from you but word of mouth. I apologize for the shortcomings you had with Charlie's.

I will say that next time you or anyone else has questions about their vehicles for bodywork repair or cleaning come see me at the Public Wholesale building. I will help anyone on here as much as I can....no shafting!!!



New member
Thanks Eric, I appreciate it. As I feel you were right that me posting about this was probably in poor judgement I have done the best that I can and edited my posts, but I cannot change the quotes people have made of them and if they feel that it is the right thing to do, they can fix thier quotes. I don't want to be the cause of anyone losing thier Jobs, Im not that kind of person. I just didn't think that far ahead. Also, to be clearer, I did not suspect damage to any cars other than the Subarus. As I had said, most of the other makes of vehicle in the lot where I work just down the street had no damage from the same hail. I suspect Subaru uses thinner sheet metal for better gas mileage.

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