Hello fellow Subaru folks


New member
Welcome to the club. I use Silverstars for my low beams along with my hellas pointed way low so on-coming traffic don't get blinded.
Hey Mike, Where are you legally aloud to use those Hellas anyway?



N/A All The Way!!
I might get corrected, but the hellas are considered driving lights. This means that I'm not supposed to run them while I have my low beams on ( I looked this up after I posted in this thread ). I can have them on with the high beams though...buts its kind of a pain in the neck to change them all the time because they technically aren't hard wired into my high beam switch, so it has to be a manual thing when I turn them on and off.

I think that this all has to do with the actual location of the lights on the bumper. If the auxillary lights are located below the stock headlights, they are fogs ( on with low beams ). If the auxillary lights are located at or above the headlights, they are driving or off-road lights and can be on with the high beams.

Long story short, I was breaking the law by using my hellas with the low beams...I think.

Sorry to hijack your introduction thread Mike:hj:

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