HELP!!! The noise is driving me bananas!!!!


Active member

96' Impreza Brighton. When turning the wheel to the right to about 1 o'clock she starts squealing like a dying pig. The noise seems to be coming from around the center of the car. doesn't do it when turning left. Anyone has any ideas of what the problem might???

I'd hate to start taking right turns by going around in a left circle, but it's going to be that way if i dont fix the damn thing



Does the noise get worse or better when you turn MORE?

Does the noise change with speed?

Are all your tires matching?



New member
not much info to do diagnosis with....

speed related?

same noise, different gears?

does noise change if you start it, then push in clutch?

inquiring minds want to know your problems!



Active member
Actually it goes away when i turn the wheel past 2 o'clock.

Speed doesn't matter, does it at 20 and 65

Tires are the same (set of 4 fro Sears last year)

Sounds like its coming out of some part in the front suspension/brake system. One of my guesses is a brake pads gone on one wheel -> grinding the disc



It's the Sears tires!

Seriously, I've got nothing. :-



New member
sounds like you may have something stuck in the wheel well

maybe a busted piece of fender liner

stone in brake caliper

aliens taken root in your center diff :'(



Active member
that's it!!!! ALIENS!!!! I knew i heard strange talking when the stereo is off.....
Or maybe it's me hallucinating after 8 hrs of smelling epoxy and styrene

One thing i know the noise is real and EXTREMELY annoying. Probably gonna pull the wheel on Saturday, poke around looking for stones
and aliens



New member
another possibility is the steering rack

jack car, whole front. DO NOT RUN like this, it'll fall off jack. tuurn wheel back and forth, feeling carefully for tight spots. look for leaks around power steering lines, esp fittings where lines go into strg rack.

you DO have enuff PS fluid, don't cha??!! :



Active member
Looked under the car today, briefly.....

Front right outer CV bootis torn, all the rease went bye-bye.... But that still does not explain the wicked whining noise, which is getting worse....

P/S pump bearing is in the first 3 on my probable cause list.

PS: Anyone has an empty spot in a garage that i could borrow for a few hours in a month or two? Will have to change the CV Boot/Shaft, and it's hard to do with snow and cold around
Will pay in beer



New member
...and WHY do you think that a pooched CV joint would not squeal??
seriously, CV "fix me NOW" noise is more of a thump-thump or clacka-clacka on tighter turns

if your PS pump is going/gone, it would be more likely to squeal any time you turn the wheel, not just one direction. if the problem is in only one direction, that points to steering rack issue, or possibly bent tie rods.

fact is, you need to get sussed out by a mechanic who can look the car over, drive it, and diagnose the problem. the longer you drive the car wishing the noise will get better, the worse things will be when it's time to fix. for instance, if it's the steering rack binding up, you will cook the PS pump before long, adding $300-500 to the repair bill.....

