Tonight I was hit in a parking lot while I was inside. Damage isn't terrible but it's still got temp plates and I want it fixed. Should I have one of you fix it or call my insurance?
Havnt had to deal with a hit and run yet so nothing concrete to add here. I am sure its handled a little different depending on which insurance company you are with. unfortunately its down to bare metal. Scuffs can usually be buffed out.
That would really make me mad. Hopefully you can get it straightened out with out much hassle.
No footage and nobody reported anything. Insurance says I'm on my own with my stupid deductible. Going to poke around at the next meet and see if anyone knows anyone that can assist without my insurance.
I know a really good body guy in the Bath area, but I can tell that a large area might have to be redone for it to look right. The front bumper on my moms car has to be done due to a scuff on just one corner. Repainting the bumper is $400. When I was driving my impreza I put scratches on a newer impreza rear bumper(brakes locked and I sold downhill) and that's what it cost.