New Tattoo Studio in Portland - Discount for Members


New member
I have recently moved here, as my introduction post said, and as well as a Subaru enthusiast, I am also a tattoo artist. I recently opened up Fianna Studio on Woodford St. in Portland. It is basically an appointment only, custom tattoo studio but as my new clientele is growing, i can get things in quickly, almost on a walk-in basis.

I am offering 20% off to members here for the month of June, and if that works out well and there isn't any abuse of it, I'll probably keep a similar discount going indefinitely.

My work can be seen at and some pics of the studio and newer tattoos will also be on Facebook under Fianna Studio. Feel free to email me or call if you have any questions or would like to set up an appointment.






i have an old stupid tat that i would love to get covered up. ...just have no clue what i want lol. story of my life



New member
Very nice work! Can you do any graffiti work? i have an idea that i would like to pursue, not on skin, with a flat black paint pen...



get a dolphin



New member
Thanks guys. Things are going well there but I am always looking for new clients, especially fellow Suby enthusiasts to tattoo on and chat with. Saabaru - sure, send in the wife in and lets get her hooked up with a touchup and anything else she might wanna do or add to it. Nailman - lets set up a time to go over what you have and some ideas you have that might work to cover it up. I have done a LOT of coverups and feel comfortable with those challenges. jcovey - I have done graffiti work on skin before but its not my forte, although I am open to try to work with you on that. I do consultations first and that's just to go over ideas and discuss the art that someone wants. the tattoo appointment comes after that so there is no pressure. I only ask for a deposit when a tattoo appointment is wanted so consultations are free. let me know if anyone wants to come in to discuss and I'll find time... James

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