[official] 2nd Annual Snirty Group Drive. December 11th


I'm not ReZPunk
Sorry for this taking so long to get posted up. Here it is.. the offical!

2nd Annual Mainely Subarus Snirty Group Drive.

December 11, 2011

8AM Sharp!

Meeting at Milford On the Run (Mobil)

The Address is 12 Main St, Milford ME, but Google maps is partly Petarded... so here's the link for the start location.:


For some of you that missed the last one, it will all be new to you!! For those of you that made the last one, There are new roads.... just sayin' You don't want to miss this one!!! It's important you have a Co-driver.. trying to read tulips and drive at the same time is hard. Remember, this is just a fun drive, no going all "Colin Mcrae" out there..


In short, we have a chance of Snow all week, its going to be cold!! so Gravels are a NONO!!! Sunday is calling for Partly Sunny and high of 34..

Photo Ops:

I have scheduled at least 2 decent places for a good Photo Op of all the cars for all of you Photo peoples.... Depending if we get any decent ones, and who may want to stop and attempt to get some action shots, I can arrange that.. let me know!

What to bring:

I'd Bring at least 1 spare tire. I wouldn't use a space saver unless that's all you have..

Handheld 2-way Radio - Makes it safer when dealing with traffic.

Food & Water - There will be at least 1 stop with access to food.

Full tank of gas- There is 1 stop that has gas, but no High Octane (sorry WRXes) The Mobil we are starting at has 91 Octane.

Tow Strap (If you got one bring it!!) Again, no idea what the roads may look like out there after the chance of snow all week..

Good Attitude - Leave the Ricer mentality at home....k...thx...

So Who's in?!?!?


Not Cold Air Intake friendly.. There are a few water crossings that are 4-6 inches deep.. Justin's STI made it through no problems, and I figure he'll be the lowest car there..

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Im defiantly in, the gas station is like 15 min from my house so I will be there 8am sharp. Have a co-driver but if someone wants to take along they can.

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Still in. Rushing to get the car done. Been some long nights.

I'm bringing my full size race jack + recovery gear bag + other crap im forgetting.

Co-driver is in. Full camera gear locked and loaded. Rolling HD video this time.

Saturday = shakedown all day. Sunday = Rock and Roll.



I'm not ReZPunk
So I've conceded the fact that the Battlewagon won't be ready for Sunday.. so I've made arrangements to prepare the WRX for Battle.. catch 22 is, Momma is Codriving for me, so no spank me rides from me..



Well-known member
whats wrong with the outback......im a pretty sure...2hr drive to get to starting point sucksssss....ill see what I can do



New member
Wish I could go...but it's over 3 hours from me.


If anybody is going from southern Maine needs a co-driver with a camera...I'm your man

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New member
We're in for 1 car

If anyone is coming out of Portland I wouldnt mind riding up together, Ill be codriving for my buddy who is in Bangor



Hey I wanna go... Really sad I'm missing this one...

Don't try to drive like Nate, and you'll be fine.



I'm not ReZPunk
You're one to talk.. How many times did you go off last year? haha!! It's going to be Epic.. Getting ready to head out and finalize the Route book, and its Snowing!!! haha

If I have someone to codrive for I'm up for a caravan on 295/95. One way trip for me because I have to go back to school.

