Offroad/dirty meet.


Active member
Does anyone have some XT springs I could throw on the wrx?

I'm thinking ...



with some better tires



Doing rally driving with the GL might be a little sketchy... Lift and no sway bars ... The legacy would do well, but it may have clearance issues, the tires are bald, and I don't want to beat that car.



So an update. Now that I'm back from my vacation in Canada...

There are miles and miles and miles of old wheelable logging roads behind my house. So I got my mountain bike and went for a ride looking for wheeling trails we could have a meet on. I, being a dunce, of course forgot my GPS. There are tons of forks and merges and false trails. So I really didn't want to get lost. I've spent over 10 hours being lost in the forest ad it isn't very fun...

Anyway, I found a lot of trails we could easily wheel. Nothing to technical at all. The first 300m is probably some of the hardest part, and if you can't make that just park your car and ride with someone. Some of the trail goes up a rocky river bed, through forest. some water/mud, but I rode through all of it and it is pretty hard bottom. I'll have to take my GPS out later so I can not only explore further, but put up a track on google maps so you can see where it is.

Also, some of it is rather narrow, unless you can drive over boulders or through trees I wouldn't drive anything much wider than my GL (08WRXME)...

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N/A All The Way!!
This all sounds like something I would love to do. Rob seems to be the man with a plan when it comes to getting a route together, all this should take is someone to come up with a date place. I usually do this, but I am without the internet at my new place, so I don't think that I'll be able to keep track of everything. If Rob is up for it, someone else can do the ride management and Rob can come up with a route...otherwise this talk will continue for weeks. If someone does create an OP with a time and place, do me a favor and put my name on the top of the list! Its been too long since I rode with you guys!



You'll definitely be added!

Seems we may end up with two dirty meets. One for rally style driving, and one for offroad driving. I'd definitely go to a rally style meet, but I'd really like an offroad meet. The trails I know of are such that a car like GClack's car would be able to negotiate the them. But still offroad and fun. If it has to much serious rock climbing, etc., it kinda limits us to just Jason and I with cars that can go...

I'll definitely work on mapping out the back woods trails and get it up on google.



Subaru Ambassador- AdidaSubarus
Chris, we got to get together sometime and check out these trails near your place. Hopefully I won't be as busy sometime soon!!



Next week is probably the earliest I'll have time. I'm pretty busy this week, and I'm off in Mass next weekend. But ya, it would be cool to check them out! I've just been exploring by bicycle because it's faster and doesn't get stuck... haha.



Subaru Ambassador- AdidaSubarus
Yeah I am busy for the next couple weeks anyway for the most part, so no biggie, but at some point we gotta do it!!



New member
i would rather take my car over gravel roads at 70mph than crawl over rocks and deep ruts at 5mph!!



New member
unless its the New england Forest Rally and we are racing over those big rocks and deep ruts at 70mph....but then again its not my car



Subaru Ambassador- AdidaSubarus
off road OK?, rally bad? you obviously have her snowed!
My Brat is for off road, the wifes car would be more for rally. The Brat is WAYYYY to slow for rally



I'd probably ride along for rally. I don't have the rig. In return, someone can ride along with me for offroad.

And, tomorrow morning before work I'd like to get out for a ride with the GPS and start mapping trails. Give an idea of where it is.
